Sandy, Ghina May (2023) Komunikasi dakwah dalam pembentukan akhlak santri : Studi deskriptif di Pesantren Modern Al - Aqsha Jatinangor Kab. Sumedang. Masters thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.
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Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah koimunikasi dakwah dalam peimbeintukan akhlak. Saat ini ini akhlak dapat teirceirmin pada siswa-siswa yang memiliki kegiatan pembelajaran dilingkungan pondok pesantren. Salah satunya di Peisantrein Moideirn Al-Aqshoi Jatinangoir. Karena ditengah maju nya teknologi era globalisasi ini, mayoritas akhlak para siswa tinggal di lingkungan pada umunya berbeda dengan siswa yang tinggal dilingkungan pondok pesantren. Pondok Pesantren Modern Al Aqsha memiliki tujuan mencetak lulusan santri yang meimiliki karakteir islami yang baik. Banyak faktoir yang meimpeingaruhi peimbeintukan karakteir islam santri, salah satunya adalah koimunikasi dakwah yang diteirapkan di lingkungan peisantrein. Seimakin baik koimunikasi dakwah islam yang di impleimeintasikan di lingkungan peisantrein maka dipeirkirakan proiseis peimbeintukan karakteir islami dikalangan santri akan beirlangsung deingan baik pula. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk meimahami dan meindalami beiragam bentuk dan interaksi koimunikasi dakwahi dalam peimbeintukan akhlak santri dan meingeitahui seicara teirpeirinci peran para pengurus dalam membangun dan membentuk akhlak santri di Peisantrein Moideirn Al-Aqsha Jatinangoir. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori konstruksi sosial, Koinstruksi soisial meirupakan seibuah sudut pandang dimana seimua nilai, ideioiloigi dan institusi adalah buatan manusia dan teirbeintuk seicara teirus meineirus. Meitoidei yang akan digunakan dalam proiseis peineilitian ini adalah meitoidei kualitatif. Peineilitian kualitatif meingacu pada proiseis peingumpulan data peineilitian dalam beintuk data deiskriptif, dan peinyajian peirilaku oirang yang diamati dalam beintuk teiks dan gambar teirtulis atau lisan dalam beintuk data deiskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Pesantren Modern Al Aqsha Jatinangor menerapkan dua jenis komunikasi, yaitu komunikasi verbal dan komunikasi non verbal. Sesuai dengan hasil data lapangan bentuk interaksi melalui komunikasi verbal terdiri dari dua Kategori yakni dalam Kegiatan Muhadoroh dan Program Tahfidz, sedangkan komunikasi non verbal terdiri dari Gestur, Paralinguistik kinesik, dan artifaktual. Jadi, pada hasil yang diperoleh dapat dimengerti bahwa komunikasi verbal dan non verbal di Pesantren Modern Al Aqsha Jatinangor belum berjalan dengan baik. Dan Pembinaan Akhlak para santri di pondok pesantren Modern Al Aqsha Jatinangor sedikit mulai efektif. Keberhasilan ini juga di dukung oleh Kiyai juga sekaligus pimpinan pesantren, pengurus juga tenaga pendidik, para alumni dan juga santri Pesantren Modern Al Aqsha Jatinangor Kab. Sumedang. Ghina May Sandy - Da'wah Communication in the Formation of Santri Morals (Descriptive Study at the Al Aqsha Modern Islamic Boarding School, Jatinangor, Sumedang Regency) The background of this study is the communication of da'wah in the formation of morals. Currently, morals can be reflected in students who have learning activities in the Islamic boarding school environment. One of them is in the Islamic Boarding School of Moideirn Al-Aqshoi Jatinangor. Because in the midst of the advancement of technology in this era of globalization, the majority of the morals of students living in the environment are generally different from students who live in the Islamic boarding school environment. The Al Aqsha Modern Islamic Boarding School aims to produce graduates of students who have good Islamic character. Many factors influence the formation of Islamic character of students, one of which is the communication of da'wah applied in the Islamic boarding school environment. The better the communication of Islamic preaching that is implemented in the Islamic boarding school environment, it is estimated that the process of forming Islamic character among the students will also take place well. The aim of this research is to understand and explore various forms and interactions of da'wah communication in the formation of students' morals and to find out in detail the role of administrators in building and forming students' morals at the Moideirn Al-Aqsha Jatinangor Islamic Boarding School. The theory used in this research is the theory of social construction. Social construction is a point of view where all values, ideologies and institutions are man-made and are formed continuously. The methodology that will be used in this research process is qualitative methodology. Qualitative research refers to the process of collecting research data in the form of descriptive data, and presenting the behavior of people observed in the form of written or oral texts and images in the form of descriptive data. The results of the study show that the Al Aqsha Jatinangor Modern Islamic Boarding School applies two types of communication, namely verbal communication and non-verbal communication. In accordance with the results of field data, the form of interaction through verbal communication consists of two categories, namely in Muhadoroh Activities and Tahfidz Programs, while non-verbal communication consists of Gestures, Paralinguistic kinesics, and artifactuals. So, from the results obtained it can be understood that verbal and non-verbal communication at the Al Aqsha Jatinangor Modern Islamic Boarding School has not been running well. And the Moral Development of the students at the Al Aqsha Jatinangor Modern Islamic Boarding School is starting to be slightly effective. This success is also supported by the Kiyai as well as the leader of the Islamic boarding school, administrators and educators, alumni and also students of the Al Aqsha Jatinangor Modern Islamic Boarding School, Sumedang Regency.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Komunikasi Dakwah; Pembentukan Akhlak; Pondok Pesantren; Da'wah Communication; Moral Formation; Islamic Boarding School |
Subjects: | Communications Telemunications Communications Telemunications > Radio Broadcasting |
Divisions: | Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi > Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam |
Depositing User: | GHINA MAY SANDY |
Date Deposited: | 07 Oct 2024 01:20 |
Last Modified: | 07 Oct 2024 01:20 |
URI: | |
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