Representatives speech act in Gita Wirjawan's endgame S2E09: Bali, literature, and cultural diplomacy podcast

Atmandhika, Willy Rifauzi (2023) Representatives speech act in Gita Wirjawan's endgame S2E09: Bali, literature, and cultural diplomacy podcast. Sarjana thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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ENGLISH: Representative speech act means the expression of how things are uttered by the speaker based on what they believe in, whether it can be true or false. This research is an analysis of representative speech acts found in Gita Wirjawan’s Endgame S2E09: Bali, Literature, and Cultural Diplomacy podcast. The objectives of this research are; 1) To identify the types of representative speech act that found in Endgame S2E09: “Bali, Literature, and Cultural Diplomacy” Podcast. And 2) To describe the way how representative speech acts are conveyed in Endgame S2E09: “Bali, Literature, and Cultural Diplomacy” Podcast. This research will be descriptive qualitative because it described and analyzed the types of representative speech acts and the way how representative speech acts are conveyed in Endgame S2E09: Bali, Literature, and Cultural Diplomacy podcast as the phenomena of this research in the form of narrative description. The object of this research was a podcast by Gita Wirjawan titled The Endgame S2E09: “Bali, Literature, and Cultural Diplomacy”. The data were taken from the utterances by Gita Wirjawan and Janet DeNeefe during the podcast. The utterances were transcribed into the form of words and phrases. The researcher analyzed the data using Searle’s (1985) speech act theory that classified representative speech act into 32 types and Yule’s (1996) speech act theory that explained the types of direct and indirect speech act. As the result, the researcher found 15 types of representative speech act in the Endgame S2E09: Bali, Literature, and Cultural Diplomacy podcast. Those are: assert (2 data), claim (2 data), affirm (3 data), state (5 data), assure (1 datum), inform (8 data), remind (3 data), predict (2 data), report (5 data), suggest (3 data), conjecture (4 data), hypothesize (5 data), guess (3 data), praise (3 data) and lament (2 data). The representative speech act of inform become the dominant type in this research with 8 data. There are 51 total data that were analyzed in this research. The forty-nine data were conveyed directly, and only two data were conveyed indirectly. The representative speech act of inform becomes the dominant data in this research because the podcaster in a podcast is usually sharing their ideas, their thoughts, or their opinions related to the topic that they discussed in a podcast, and the hearer may take that as some new information for them and the direct speech act becomes the most dominant data that used in this podcast with 49 data. It was related with the genre of this podcast which is an educational podcast that expected to make Indonesian society to get more knowledge and more educated by listening to this podcast. In order to avoid confusion in explaining or sharing the speaker thoughts, ideas, or opinions, the speakers in this podcast are mostly used direct speech act. INDONESIA: Representative speech act adalah ungkapan tentang bagaimana sesuatu diucapkan oleh penutur berdasarkan apa yang diyakininya, entah itu benar atau salah. Penelitian ini merupakan analisis tindak tutur representatif yang terdapat dalam podcast Endgame: “Bali, Literature, and Cultural Diplomacy” yang dipersembahkan oleh Gita Wirjawan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah; 1) Untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis representative speech act yang terdapat dalam podcast Endgame S2E09: “Bali, Literature, and Cultural Diplomacy”. Dan 2) Untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana representative speech acts tersebut disampaikan dalam podcast Endgame S2E09: “Bali, Literature, and Cultural Diplomacy”. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif karena mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis jenis-jenis representative speech act beserta cara penyampaiannya yang ditemukan dalam podcast Endgame S2E09: “Bali, Literature, and Cultural Diplomacy” dalam bentuk deskripsi naratif. Objek yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah podcast karya Gita Wirjawan yang berjudul Endgame S2E09: “Bali, Literature, and Cultural Diplomacy”. Penelitian ini mengambil data-data dari ujaran yang disampaikan oleh Gita Wirjawan dan Janet DeNeefe selama podcast berlangsung. Ujaran tersebut kemudian dimuat kedalam bentuk kata-kata dan kalimat. Peneliti menggunakan teori speech act dari Searle’s (1985) yang mengklasifikasikan representative speech act kedalam 32 jenis dan teori speech act dari Yule’s (1996) yang menjelaskan tentang jenis-jenis direct and indirect speech act. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, peneliti menemukan sebanyak 15 jenis representative speech act yang terdapat dalam podcast Endgame S2E09: Bali, Literature, and Cultural Diplomacy, yaitu: assert (2 data), claim (2 data), affirm (3 data), state (5 data), assure (1 datum), inform (8 data), remind (3 data), predict (2 data), report (5 data), suggest (3 data), conjecture (4 data), hypothesize (5 data), guess (3 data), praise (3 data) and lament (2 data). Representative speech act of inform menjadi jenis yang paling dominan dalam penelitian ini dengan 8 data. Dalam penelitian ini ada 51 total data yang di analisis, 49 data disampaikan menggunakan direct speech act dan hanya dua data yang menggunakan indirect speech act. Representative speech act of informing menjadi jenis yang paling dominan dalam penelitian ini karena seorang podcaster dalam sebuah podcast sering kali berbagi ide, pikiran, pendapat atau opini terkait dengan topik yang dibahas dalam podcast tersebut. Hal tersebut menjadi sebuah informasi baru bagi para pendengar podcast. Direct speech act menjadi cara penyampaian yang paling dominan dalam podcast ini dengan 49 data. Hal ini berkaitan dengan genre podcast yang diteliti pada penelitian ini, yaitu podcast edukasi yang bertujuan untuk mengedukasi masyarakat Indonesia untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan-pengetahuan yang baru pada saat mendengarkan podcast ini. Oleh karena itu banyak data yang disampaikan menggunakan direct speech act agar semua informasi, ide, pendapat, atau opini yang disampaikan dalam podcast ini menjadi lebih jelas dan mudah dicerna oleh masyarakat Indonesia.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Additional Information: tidak ada lampiran
Uncontrolled Keywords: Pragmatics;Speech act;Representative speech act;Direct and Indirect Speech Act;Endgame Podcast
Subjects: Linguistics
Divisions: Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora > Program Studi Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Willy Rifauzi Atmandhika
Date Deposited: 26 Feb 2025 07:45
Last Modified: 26 Feb 2025 07:45

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