Manajemen Program Ketatausahaan Madrasah: Penelitian di Madrasah Aliyah Al-Hikmah Talegong Garut

Sukma, Asep (2018) Manajemen Program Ketatausahaan Madrasah: Penelitian di Madrasah Aliyah Al-Hikmah Talegong Garut. Diploma thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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Madrasah Aliyah Al-HikmahTalegongGarutharusmelakukanpenambahan/rekrutmentenagatatausaha.Demikianhaliniharusdilakukankarenakurangnyastaftatausaha.Staftatausaha yangadaterdiridaritigabagiandiantaranyabidangkeuangan, bidang operator, bidangkearsipan. Tujuanpenelitianiniuntukmengetahuidanmendeskripsikanprofil madrasah,perencanaan program ketatausahaan madrasah, pengorganisasianketatausahaan madrasah, penggerakkan program ketatausahaan madrasah, pengendalian program ketatausahaan madrasah,faktorpenunjangdanpenghambatmanajemen program ketatausahaan madrasah, danhasilyang dicapaidarimanajemen program ketatausahaan madrasah di Madrasah Aliyah Al-HikmahTalegongGarut. Teori yang digunakandalampenelitianiniadalahfungsimanajemenmenurut G.R. Teryyaitu: (a) perencanaan, (b) pengorganisasian, (c) penggerakkan, dan (e) pengendalian. Metode yang digunakandalampenelitianiniadalahmetodedeskriptif-kualitatifyaitumenggambarkandanmengungkapkanfakta yang adakemudiandijelaskansecaradeskriftifdengan kata-kata atauuraian.Teknikpengumpulan data dilakukandenganteknikwawancara, observasidandokumen. HasilpenelitiandiperolehsimpulanbahwaMadrasah Aliyah Al-HikmahTalegongGarutberdiripadatahun 1998, danalasanberdirinyayaituuntukmemenuhikebutuhanmasyarakatterhadapadanyasekolah yang bernuansaislami.Hasildari proses manajemen program ketatausahaan madrasah yang terdiridariperencanaan,pengorganisasian, penggerakan, danpengendaliandapatdikatakanberhasil. Dapatdikatakanberhasilkarenasemua program tatausaha yang telahdirencanakansebelumnnyabisaterselengarakansecara optimal meskipunterdapatberbagaihambatanbaikdari internalataudarieksternalseperti: kurangnyatenagatatausaha, saranatatausahatidaklengkap, signal danaruslistrik.Hal inimenunjukanbahwadenganadanyamanajemen yang baikmakahasil yang dicapaiolehtatausahajugabaik. AsepSukma, Management of Islamic School Administration Program (Research in Islamic senior high school Al HikmahTalegongGarut). Islamic senior high school Al HikmahTalegongGarut must do addition/ recruitment of administrative staff. So, this is must be done because lack of administrative staff. The existing administrative staff consists of three parts including the financial field, field oprator, archival field. The purpose of this research is to know and describe Islamic school profile, planning of administration program in Islamic school, organizing of administration, mobilization of administration program, program controling administration, supporting factors and inhibiting program management administration in Islamic school, and the results of achieved from program management Islamic school administration in Islamic senior high school Al-HikmahTalegongGarut. The theory used in this research is the management function according to G.R. Tery is: (a) planning, (b) organizing, (c) movements, and (e) controling. The method used in this research is descriptive-qualitative method description and reveal the facts that exist later described descriptively with words or descriptions. Data collection techniques conducted by interview techniques, observation and documents. The result of the research shows that Islamic senior high school Al-HikmahTalegongGarut was established in 1998, and the reason for its establishment is to fulfill the needs of the community towards the existence of schools that have Islamic nuances. The result of process management of Islamic administration program consisting of planning, organizing, moving, and controling can be said to be successful. It can be said successful because of all the planned administrative programs can be implemented optimally despite the obstacles, both from internal and eksternal, such as: The lack of administrative staff, incomplete administrative means, signal and electric current. This shows that in the presence of good management, the results achieved by the administration is also good.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Manajemen; Program; Tata Usaha
Subjects: Customs of People > Organization and Management
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
Depositing User: Asep Sukma
Date Deposited: 17 Jul 2018 03:15
Last Modified: 17 Jul 2018 03:15

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