The portrayal of muslim in the visitor (2007) movie script

Supartini, Pipit (2018) The portrayal of muslim in the visitor (2007) movie script. Diploma thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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The Visitor is one of the films that take a theme about Muslims and Terrorism. The interested and different thing in this film lies in the depiction Muslims figure who are not represented as a terrorist, to find out more about how Muslims are portrayed, the researchers focusing the analysis on two things: (1) finding representaments (signs) that portrayed about Muslim, and (2) analyzing the meaning (interpretant) of the representament. This research is designed in qualitative approach, because data is analyzed in the form of words from the script of this film and the results of his analysis written in the narrative descriptions. Data for this research in form of quotation that taken from script of the movie, which is has been selected purposively. In technique of collecting data, researcher used the documentation technique. Specifically, data is taken based on the representament that portrayed about the Muslim identity, the character and characterization and also the social treatment toward them. Data that has been collected then analyzed using semiotic theory of Charles Sander Pierce: icon, index and symbol. The results of the analysis shows, there are 27 representament, which is 7 representament explain Muslim identity, 15 representament about the character and characterization and 6 representament about the social treatment of it.thus, froth the whole representament can be concluded that the Muslims in this film are predominantly described positive, their identity is not represented by Islamic attributes such as turban and veil that the westerners are perceived as a symbol of terrorism, and that Muslims are also portrayed as tolerant of diversity. However, it is also explained that everyone is different as well as Muslims, some of them are good and some are not.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Semiotic Charles Sanders Pierce; Icon; index; symbol; Analisis Movie Script
Subjects: Philosopy and Theory > Semiotics
Divisions: Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora > Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Pipit Cecep
Date Deposited: 19 Sep 2018 06:26
Last Modified: 25 Sep 2018 07:04

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