Suganda, A. (2017) Politik hukum Islam dan penerapannya di tingkat lokal: studi penegakan syari’at Islam di Kabupaten Sukabumi. Doktoral thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.
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INDONESIA Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh suatu pemikiran bahwa negara dalam perkembangan peradaban manusia erat hubungannya dengan agama. Hubungan keduanya mengalami pasang surut seiring dengan perkembangan pemikiran manusia tentang fungsi negara dalam kehidupan peribadinya dan sekaligus dalam hubungan negara dan agama yang dianutnya. Semangat era reformasi menimbulkan spirit kepada umat Islam untuk mentransformasikan norma-norma syari’at Islam kepada perda-perda syari’ah. Masyarakat Kabupaten Sukabumi gencar berupaya melaksanakan transformasi norma-norma hukum Islam terhadap Peraturan Daerah. Hal ini diawali dengan kongres umat Islam yang menghasilkan Keputusan Pendeklarasian Penegakan Syari’at Islam di Kabupaten Sukabumi dan melahirkan Keputusan Bupati Sukabumi Nomor 114 tanggal 10 Maret 2003 Tentang Susunan Organisasi dan Personalia Pengurus Badan Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Syari’at Islam (BPPSI) Kabupaten Sukabumi. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan penelitian hukum yaitu pendekatan undang-undang (statute approach), pendekatan kasus (case approach), pendekatan historis (historis approach), dan pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach). Bahan hukum yang digunakan adalah data primer, sekunder dan tersier yang bersumber dari observasi langsung (direct observation), wawancara mendalam (deep interview) dan studi kepustakaan (library research). Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi objektif Penegakan Syari’at Islam di tingkat lokal (Kabupaten Sukabumi) yaitu: Pertama Faktor Pendorong Penegakan Syari’at Islam; Kedua Mekanisme Penegakan Syari’at Islam; Ketiga Masalah dan Solusi Penegakan Syari’at Islam; Kempat Model Penerapan Syari’at Islam; Kelima Prospek dan Pengembangan Syari’at Islam. Berdasarkan data di lapangan lokus penelitian, disimpulkan transformasi norma-norma syari’at Islam di Kabupaten Sukabumi menunjukan bahwa: Pertama, faktor pendorong Penegakan Syari’at Islam atas tuntutan masyarakat dalam mentransformasikan norma-norma syari’at Islam ke dalam peraturan daerah sangat kuat; Kedua, mekanisme politik Penegakan Syari’at Islam ditempuh melalui pendekatan cultural approach bukan structural approach dan terjadi sinergitas antara umat, ulama dan umaro; Ketiga, masalah dalam Penegakan Syari’at Islam masih rendahnya pemahaman masyarakat terhadap makna syari’at Islam dan belum optimalnya dukungan pemerintah daerah. Adapun solusinya dengan meningkatkan peran BPPSI serta lembaga-lembaga keagamaan dalam memperkuat kualitas pendidikan syari’at Islam pada masyarakat dan mengoptimalkan komitmen pemerintah daerah dalam kebijakan transformasi norma-norma syari’at Islam; Keempat, model transformasi norma-norma syari’at Islam baru terimplementasi melalui gerakan akhlaq dengan prinsip tadarruj yang penerapannya mengacu pada fatwa-fatwa ulama dan adat istiadat (‘urf) merupakan hukum yang tumbuh pada masyarakat (living law); Kelima, prospek legislasi Penegakan Syari’at Islam tinggal penguatan mekanisme politiknya. ENGLISH This research was motivated by an idea that the state in the development of human civilization is closely related with religion. The relationships of both have experienced ups and downs along with the development of human’s thinking about the function of the state in private life and all at once in the relationship between the state and the religion that was followed. The euphoria norm of the post-reform era emerges the spirit to the moslems to transform the Islamic law to the local regulation on Shari’ah. The people of Sukabumi Regency seriously effort to implement the transformation of Islamic law to Local Regulation. It was initially started with the moslems congress which produced The Declaration Decision of Islamic Law Enforcement in Sukabumi Regency and bore The Sukabumi Regent Decision No 114 date of 10 March 2003 on the organization and personnel structure of The Agency of Islamic Law Study and Development in Sukabumi. The research uses qualitative juridical normative method with law research approach; statute approach, case approach, historical approach and conceptual approach. The material of law being used is the primary, the secondary and the tertiary data which is based on the field study (direct observation), personal interview (deep interview) and literature study (library research). The research is aimed to know the objective condition of Islamic law enforcement in local level (Sukabumi Regency); First, Driving Factor of Islamic Law Enforcement; Second, Mechanism of Islamic Law Enforcement; Third, Problem and Solution of Islamic Law Enforcement; fourth, Application Model of Islamic Law Enforcement; Fifth, Prospect and Development of Islamic Law Enforcement. Based on the data in the field (research location), it could be concluded that the transformation of Islamic law in Sukabumi regency shows; First, The Driving Factor of Islamic Law Enforcement demanded by the people in transforming the norms of Islamic law into local regulation is very strong; Second, The Political Mechanism of Islamic law Enforcement is taken through cultural not structural approach so that it becomes synergy among people, ulemas and government; Third, The Problem of Islamic law Enforcement is still low understanding of people about the meaning of Islamic law and not optimal support yet from the local administrators .The solution is to increase the role of BPPSI (The Agency of Islamic Law Study and Development) and religion affairs institutions in strengthening quality of Islamic law education toward people and to optimize the local government commitment in transformation policy of Islamic law; Fourth, New Islamic Law Norms Transformation Model is implemented through moral movement with tadarruj principle, the application refers to the guidance of Islamic scholars (ulemas) and the tradition (‘urf) which constitutes the law growing in society (living law); Fifth, The Legislation Prospect of Islamic Law Enforcement just needs the Political Mechanism Strengthening.
Item Type: | Thesis (Doktoral) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Politik Hukum Islam; Penegakan Syari’at; Kawasan santri; Sukabumi |
Subjects: | Islam > Islam and Politics, Fundamentalism Fikih (Fiqih, Fiqh), Hukum Islam |
Divisions: | Pascasarjana Program Doktor > Program Studi Hukum Islam |
Depositing User: | Users 11 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 06 Dec 2018 02:51 |
Last Modified: | 06 Dec 2018 02:51 |
URI: | |
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