The computer language and its terms

Irvan, Muhamad (2007) The computer language and its terms. Diploma thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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Language is now not only the simple media of conveying ideas in simple conversation, but also a basic system for technology. Recent terms emerge and flourish in various fields of science and technology. In comprehending science and technology, it is then clear that people have to see the word meanings more deeply in order to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation. One of the developed fields of technology is the world of computer. This indicates how important computer is in the present day of human civilization. As the product of high technology, computer requires special of particular commands to operate. English language used in computer is not in common with ordinary language. Compared to daily utterance, there are various terms or words having different referred meanings in computer language. Based on this consideration, the problem of this research focuses on three questions: (1) what is the meaning of computer language, (2) what terms are commonly used in computer language, and (3) what are the meanings of the computer terms. Considering that this research focuses on computer language, its terms and their meanings, theories explored in the second chapter comprises such discussions as about semantics and theory of meaning. The discussion about semantics deals with semantic theory and word meaning. These theories are needed since this research tries to understand words which have been included into the terminology in computer language. All of these theories serve as theoretical foundation for the next chapter, that is, the main part of this graduate paper. Computer have a language which allows its users to the machine for making communication. To be effective, the computer and the user need to understand a common language. For this purpose, some English words in computer language have different meanings and functions, compared to their original meanings in daily sense or ordinary usage. Then comes out many terms which must well be understood by computer users throughout the world. In the emergence of those terms in computer language, related to their newly meanings, homonymy and polysemy play their important roles. For example, the word mouse does no longer refer only to the well-known long-tailed disgusting animal, but also means a pointing device in the usage of computer. These features provide a chance to an understanding so that the computer terms and their meanings can be comprehended as they are supposed to be in their contexts and functions. In conclusion, computer language has unique features, compared to other kind of language used for specific purposes. Change of meanings happen in some words within two contexts. The words have expanded their meanings since they are used in computer language, and become having different meanings from its origin in daily sense. Consequently, there are common terms used in computer language, which is assumed to be understood by computer users. The change of meanings in their usage has enhanced these established terms in computer language.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: The computer language; terms;
Subjects: Special Computer Methods > Programming for Computer Graphics
Divisions: Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora > Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Users 38 not found.
Date Deposited: 03 Feb 2016 09:51
Last Modified: 03 Sep 2019 03:19

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