Bahaya Banjir Akibat Pembuangan Sampah Ke Sungai Dan Pengaruhnya Pada Pertanian

Nurirhani,, Pebriyanti and Fuji Munfariz, Rizky and Maulani, Yeni Bahaya Banjir Akibat Pembuangan Sampah Ke Sungai Dan Pengaruhnya Pada Pertanian. agroteknology. (Unpublished)

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The river is the source of life for all living things that live on earth The river is controlled by the state and is the wealth of the country, therefore the community is obliged to keep the river from being polluted .Because the river is not only a source of water for humans, but also other living things are in desperate need of water, including plants. However, many people sometimes do not understand how to manage.Watersheds well causing environmental pollution. As a result of the environmental pollution, it can cause economic impacts that are quite detrimental tothe surrounding community and farmers who have rice fields around the Sambo Cinambo,River floods. Damage or decline in the productivity value of paddy fields canbe detrimental to farmers in terms of economics because it could be by decreasing thevalue of the productivity of these fields can reduce rice production due to land that isunable to provide reduced yields.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: River, Rice fields, Economis, Flood
Subjects: Ecology > Agricultural Ecology
Divisions: Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi > Program Studi Pertanian/Agroteknologi
Depositing User: Mr Agung Rahmadi
Date Deposited: 03 Jun 2019 22:33
Last Modified: 03 Jun 2019 22:33

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