Penggunaan model kooperatif tipe Team Assisted Individualization untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Arab pokok bahasan Tarakib: Penelitian Tindakan Kelas pada Siswa Kelas IV MI Nurul Falah Cijambe Subang

Nurbayani, Nuri (2019) Penggunaan model kooperatif tipe Team Assisted Individualization untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Arab pokok bahasan Tarakib: Penelitian Tindakan Kelas pada Siswa Kelas IV MI Nurul Falah Cijambe Subang. Diploma thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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INDONESIA Latar belakang Penelitian ini didasarkan hasil observasi dan wawancara terhadap guru kelas IV MI Nurul falah Kabupaten Subang, bahwa pemahaman belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran bahasa Arab belum mencapai nilai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum (KKM). Hal ini dapat terjadi karena pembelajaran hanya berpusat pada guru dan guru jarang menggunakan media pembelajaran serta tidak terbiasa melibatkan siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Model pembelajaran yang digunakan bersifat monoton dan kurang sesuai dengan materi yang diajarkan, sehingga pemahaman siswa rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui 1) pemahaman siswa sebelum menggunakan model kooperatif tipe Team Assisted Individualizaton dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Arab pokok bahasan Tarakib di kelas IV. 2) penerapan model kooperatif tipe Team Assisted Individualizaton dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Arab pokok bahasan Tarakib di kelas IV. 3) pemahaman siswa sesudah diterapkannya model kooperatif tipe Team Assisted Individualizaton dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Arab pokok bahasan Tarakib di kelas IV. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada pemikiran bahwa pemahaman belajar siswa ditentukan oleh proses pembelajaran. Salah satnya penggunaan model yang tepat, termasuk model kooperatif tipe Team Assisted Individualizaton. Berdasarkan asumsi tersebut maka hipotesis yang dianjurkan adalah penggunaan model kooperatif tipe Team Assisted Individualizaton diduga dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa. Metode penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Desain penelitian terdiri dari 2 siklus, yang masing-masing siklus terdiri dari 2 tindakan, tahapannya meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi dan tes, dengan instrumen silabus, RPP, lembar observasi kegiatan siswa dan guru serta lembar evaluasi. Analisis data kuantitatif menggunakan pendekatan statistik dan data kualitatif menggunakan pendekatan logika. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, disimpulkan bahwa pemahaman belajar siswa sebelum digunakannya model kooperatif tipe Team Assisted Individualizaton masih rendah. Hal ini terlihat dari nilai rata-rata yang diperolehnya yaitu 55 dan ketuntasan belajar klasikalnya hanya 37,5%. Pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model kooperatif tipe Team Assisted Individualizaton terlaksana dengan baik. Hal ini terlihat dari nilai rata-rata persentase aktivitas siswa siklus I 51,28% dan meningkat pada siklus II dengan nilai rata-rata persentase 82,04%. Begitu juga dengan aktivitas guru mengalami peningkatan, pada siklus I nilai rata-rata persentase aktivitas guru 70,72% dan meningkat pada siklus II dengan nilai rata-rata persentase 91,17%. Adapun hasil pemahaman siswa sesudah diterapkannya model kooperatif tipe Team Assisted Individualizaton pada siklus I diperoleh nilai rata-rata 66,16 dan ketuntasan nilai klasikalnya 54,16% sedangkan pada siklus II meningkat menjadi 82,75 dan nilai klasikalnya 87,5%. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan menggunakan model kooperatif tipe Team Assisted Individualizaton dapat meningkatkan pemahaman belajar siswa. ENGLISH The background of this study is based on the results of observations and interviews with the fourth grade teachers of MI Nurul falah Subang Regency, that students' understanding of learning in Arabic subjects has not yet reached the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). This can occur because learning is only centered on teachers and teachers rarely use learning media and are not accustomed to involving students in learning activities. The learning model used is monotonous and not in accordance with the material being taught, so students' understanding is low. The purpose of this study is to find out 1) students' understanding before using the cooperative model Team Assisted Individualizaton type in the Arabic subjects of the Tarakib subject in class IV. 2) the implementation of the cooperative team type Assisted Individualizaton model in the subject of Arabic in the Tarakib subject in class IV. 3) students' understanding after the implementation of the Cooperative Individualizaton type of cooperative model in the Arabic subject of the Tarakib subject in class IV. This research is based on the idea that students' understanding of learning is determined by the learning process. One of them is the use of the right model, including the cooperative model Team Assisted Individualizaton type. Based on these assumptions, the recommended hypothesis is the use of a cooperative model Team Assisted Individualizaton type that is expected to increase student understanding. This research method is Classroom Action Research. The research design consisted of 2 cycles, each of which consisted of 2 actions, the stages of which included planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Data collection techniques used were observation and tests, with syllabus instruments, lesson plans, student and teacher activity observation sheets and evaluation sheets. Quantitative data analysis using a statistical approach and qualitative data using a logic approach. Based on the results of data analysis, it was concluded that students' understanding of learning before the use of a cooperative model Team Assisted Individualizaton type was still low. This can be seen from the average value obtained is 55 and classical learning completeness is only 37.5%. Learning by using the cooperative model of the Team Assisted Individualizaton type is done well. This can be seen from the average value of the percentage of student activity in the first cycle of 51.28% and increased in the second cycle with an average value of 82.04%. Likewise, the teacher's activity has increased, in the first cycle the average value of the percentage of teacher activity was 70.72% and increased in the second cycle with an average value of 91.17%. The results of student understanding after the implementation of the Cooperative Assisted Individualizaton type model in cycle I obtained an average value of 66.16 and the completeness of its classical value 54.16% while in the second cycle it increased to 82.75 and the classical value was 87.5%. So that it can be concluded that by using a cooperative model Team Assisted Individualizaton type can improve student learning understanding.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Model Kooperatif Tipe Team assisted Individualization; Pemahaman; Tarakib;
Subjects: Elementary Education
Elementary Education > Elementary School
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Depositing User: Nuri Nurbayani Engko
Date Deposited: 24 Jun 2019 03:41
Last Modified: 24 Jun 2019 03:41

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