Pengembangan kinerja ilmiah mahasiswa berdasarkan lembar kerja Science Writing Heuristic pada pembuatan pasta gigi dari limbah cangkang telur

Purnama, Yulfa Septi (2019) Pengembangan kinerja ilmiah mahasiswa berdasarkan lembar kerja Science Writing Heuristic pada pembuatan pasta gigi dari limbah cangkang telur. Diploma thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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INDONESIA : Penelitian bertujuan mendeskripsikan aktivitas mahasiswa, mendeskripsikan kemampuan kinerja ilmiah mahasiswa berdasarkan lembar kerja, mendeskripsikan kemampuan kinerja ilmiah mahasiswa berdasarkan lembar penilaian kinerja pada pembuatan pasta gigi dari limbah cangkang telur. Metode penelitian kelas dengan desain One-Shot Case Study menggunakan satu sampel penelitian yang diberi perlakuan. Sumber data yang digunakan mahasiswa Pendidikan Kimia Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. sebanyak 26 orang. Pengelolaan sebuah data yang dihasilkan serta analisis data yang telah diperoleh maka akan dideskripsikan secara lebih terperinci apa yang dihasilkan dari penelitian tersebut melalui lembar observasi, lembar kerja science writing heuristic dan lembar penilaian kinerja. Hasil analisis aktivitas mahasiswa pada penerapan LK science writing heuristic seluruh tahapan mempunyai presentase 89,3%. Hasil analisis kemampuan kinerja ilmiah mahasiswa berdasarkan lembar kerja science writing heuristic keseluruhan mendapatkan nilai rata-rata 84,4 dengan kategori baik. Kemampuan kinerja ilmiah mahasiswa tertinggi dengan nilai 100 pada tahap observasi, klaim dan refleksi dengan kategori sangat baik. Kemampuan kinerja ilmiah mahasiswa terendah dengan nilai 78,4 pada tahap pengujian. Berdasarkan lembar penilaian kinerja Kemampuan kinerja ilmiah tertinggi dengan nilai 89 diperoleh kelompok dua, kemampuan kinerja ilmiah terendah dengan nilai 85 diperoleh kelompok satu. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa lembar kerja science writing heuristic dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kinerja ilmiah mahasiswa. ENGLISH : The research aims at describing student activities, describing students 'scientific performance abilities based on worksheets, describing students' scientific performance abilities based on performance assessment sheets on the manufacture of toothpaste from eggshell waste. The classroom research method with the One-Shot Case Study design uses one research sample that is treated. Data source used by Chemistry Education students at Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University, Bandung. as many as 26 people. Management of a data generated and analysis of data that has been obtained will be described in more detail what is generated from the research through observation sheets, heuristic science writing worksheets and performance assessment sheets. The results of the analysis of student activities on the application of LK science writing heuristics for all stages had a percentage of 89.3%. The results of the analysis of students' scientific performance abilities based on the overall science writing heuristic worksheet got an average grade of 84.4 in the good category. The highest scientific performance ability of students with a value of 100 at the stage of observation, claims and reflections with very good categories. The lowest scientific performance ability of students with a value of 78.4 at the testing stage. Based on the performance evaluation sheet the highest scientific performance ability with a score of 89 was obtained by group two, the lowest scientific performance ability with a score of 85 was obtained by group one. This shows that heuristic science writing worksheets can improve students' scientific performance abilities.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: limbah cangkang telur; kinerja ilmiah; pasta gigi; science writing heuristic;
Subjects: Educational Institutions, Schools and Their Activities > Project Methods
Chemistry and Allied Science
Procedures, Equipment of Chemistry > Laboratories of Chemistry
Ecology > Environmental Chemistry
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia
Depositing User: yulfa septi purnama
Date Deposited: 30 Sep 2019 08:37
Last Modified: 30 Sep 2019 08:37

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