The form of defamiliarization of setting in tim Burton's Sweeney Todd: Demon Barber in Fleet Street movie script

Haydar, Muhamad (2018) The form of defamiliarization of setting in tim Burton's Sweeney Todd: Demon Barber in Fleet Street movie script. Diploma thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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This research analyzed how the process of defamiliarization to the setting on Sweeney Todd; Demon Barber in Fleet Street movie script. This research use literary criticism from Abram. This research use objective approach in analysis the process of defamiliarization in Sweeney Todd; Demon Barber in Fleet Street movie script. The researcher use objective approach because theroy defamiliariazation froms Shklovsky is one of branch from formalism study. In this research; researcher find out the process of defamiliarization in Sweeney Todd; Demon Barber in Fleet Street movie script. Such as, figurative of speech, slowing down description, and the proposal to change its forms without changing its nature. The result of this research showed how the process defamiliarization in Sweeney Todd; Demon Barber in Fleet Street movie script. In setting of place, the researcher found out the processed of defamiliarization forms; that was usage figurative of speech and slowing description. The second statement of problem; setting of time. The researcher found out how the setting of time was changed from familiar forms to be unfamiliar. The process of defamiliarization forms in it used technique long description or in Shklovksy terms was bare lying in description. The last, in setting of atmosphere, usage figurative of speech and poetic imagery was often found out. The literary works whose defamiliarization forms can evoke aesthetic value and length process of perception. Defamiliarization in literary works can create aesthetic value and length process of perception on Sweeney Todd; Demon Barber in Fleet Street movie script. Therefore, the works which have defamiliarization forms can evoke differently impressions as long as reading the works; because defamiliarization forms make rich perception to the works.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Formalism; Defamiliarization; Movie Script; Setting;
Subjects: Accounting > Data Processing and Analysis of Accounting
English Literatures
English Fiction
Divisions: Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora > Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Muhamad Haydar
Date Deposited: 08 Jan 2020 02:38
Last Modified: 08 Jan 2020 02:38

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