Pengaruh Operating Efficiency Ratio dan Non Performing Financing terhadap profitabiltas di Bank BNI Syariah

Purnamasari, Neli (2020) Pengaruh Operating Efficiency Ratio dan Non Performing Financing terhadap profitabiltas di Bank BNI Syariah. Masters thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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Profitability is one indicator of the company's success in generating profits. But in earning profits from a company, especially BNI Syariah banks, it is inseparable from the financing risk and the level of efficiency of the bank's performance. This study aims to determine how much influence OER and NPF influence partially on profitability ROA in PT Bank BNI Syariah, and how much the effect of Operating Efficiency Ratio and Non Performing Financing simultaneously on profitability ROA in PT Bank BNI Syariah. This study departs from the assumption that the size of operational costs or OER will affect profitability, which means that the higher the OER, the lower the profitability obtained, besides the size of the problematic financing or NPF will affect profitability, which means that the higher the NPF then the lower the profitability. However, based on PT Bank BNI Syariah financial report data from 2015-2018 there was a gap between theory and reality. These assumptions are tested empirically so that the truth can be recognized scientifically. If there is a rejection or justification for these assumptions, then this is a scientific truth that can be taken into consideration. This study uses quantitative research methods, using statistical procedures, according to the level of expansion, this research includes associative research in a causal form. The data types are quantitative time series data, namely OER and NPF quarterly data and ROA in PT Bank BNI Syariah. The data source is secondary data, namely data published by Bank BNI Syariah. The technique of collecting data is documentation study by examining the financial statements of Bank BNI Syariah. Then the authors process the data with statistical analysis tools using SPSS 25.0, while the data analysis techniques (1) classic assumption tests include normality test data, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, autocorrelation test (2) multiple linear regression test (3) hypothesis test (4) test the coefficient of determination. Based on the results of the t test, the OER variable partially has a significant negative effect on ROA profitability, with the β coefficient -0.039, and the significance of 0.29. This is generally the research with Wahyu Intan, Syamsurizal and Putri Asrina, and Neng Dewi's research is just not in line. While the NPF does not have a significant negative effect on ROA profitability, with the β coefficient -0,023, and significance 0,821. This is in line with Medina and Rina's research and is not in line with Syamsurizal and Putri Asrina's research. Based on the results of the F test, the OER and NPF variables simultaneously have a significant effect on ROA profitability, with a significance of 0.027 and Ajusted R square of 57.6%. This means that the two variables can explain and influence the profitability of ROA of 57.6% and the remaining 43.4% is influenced by other variables not examined. This is generally in line with research from Wahyu Intan, Syamsurizal and Putri Asrina.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: OER; NPF; Profitabilitas;
Subjects: Econmics > Research Methods of Economic
Econmics > Economic Situation and Conditions
Divisions: Pascasarjana Program Magister > Program Studi Ekonomi Islam
Depositing User: neli purnamasari
Date Deposited: 24 Jan 2020 08:51
Last Modified: 24 Jan 2020 09:28

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