Moderasi dakwah di era keterbukaan informasi: Studi ujaran kebencian terhadap agama di media sosial

Mukarom, Zaenal and Abidin, Yusuf Zaenal and Aripudin, Acep and Wahyudin, Aep (2020) Moderasi dakwah di era keterbukaan informasi: Studi ujaran kebencian terhadap agama di media sosial. Working Paper. LP2M UIN SGD Bandung, Bandung. (Unpublished)

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Indonesia is currently entering an era of information and communication openness. The ease of getting information and freedom of expression has been increasingly felt since the widespread use of "social media" in the community. Freedom of speech on social media raises new problems, namely hate speech againat religion. This study aims to find out and reveal: (1) Forms of hate speech against religion; (2) Social media as a medium for hate speech; (3) Moderate da'wah in the era of information disclosure. Based on the analysis, several findings were found: (1) There were five materials which included religious hate speech according to MUI, namely: slander, hate speech on the basis of Sara, hoax information, pornographic material, and material that was not appropriate to the situation; (2) There are five social media platforms that are the most widely used hate speech mediums, namely: Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Youtube, and Messenger; (3) There are three moderate da'wah principles in the era of information disclosure, namely: tasamuh, tawazun, and ta'adul, while there are five moderate da'wah strategies in the era of information disclosure, namely: contextualization, tolerance, tradition, progression, and liberation. There are three recommendations from the results of the study, namely: (1) As a reference to be more active and intensive in implementing media literacy for social media and media literacy activists; (2) As a reference for preachers and millennial Muslims in carrying out da'wah on social media that is more moderate and promotes universal and inclusive Islamic values; (3) As a basic framework for academics, Muslim scholars, and stakeholders from the government in formulating and developing Islamic moderation in Indonesia ideally.

Item Type: Monograph (Working Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Media Sosial; Ujaran Kebencian; Dakwah Moderat.
Subjects: Islam > Da'wah
Divisions: Pascasarjana Program Magister > Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam
Depositing User: Zaenal Mukarom
Date Deposited: 05 May 2020 03:51
Last Modified: 05 May 2020 03:51

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