Analisa pengelolaan kampanye public relations tentang pencegahan Covid-19 di Indonesia

Astuti, Dyah Rahmi and Ma’arif, Abdul Aziz and Fuad, Ahmad and Paryati, Paryati (2020) Analisa pengelolaan kampanye public relations tentang pencegahan Covid-19 di Indonesia. Working Paper. LP2M UIN SGD, Bandung. (Unpublished)

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In early March 2020 Indonesia began to intensify with various kinds of information related to the rapid spread of the Corona virus. the cases confirmed increased every day, Indonesian people behavior initially considered the covid-19 corona virus was a kind of a common desease, until in the end the data on the development of the covid-19 case increased rapidly in mid-March 2020. Finally the government began to campaign for the prevention of covid -19 through socialization to implement health protocols and government policies. This study aims to find out how the Indonesian government manages public relations campaigns about Covid-19 prevention. This study uses a constructivism paradigm with an interpretive approach and descriptive analysis method, researchers in this study analyze social phenomena that are built by the community based on existing realities. The results of this study illustrate that in managing public relations campaigns about co-19 prevention through three stages, 1) pharyngeal facts by collecting data and facts through opinions, attitudes, public behavior based on methods of analyzing media content and field reports. 2) Planning & programming by determining the goals, objectives, communicators, message content and media used, this program is referred to as an emergency program. 3) Take action & communicate by carrying out campaigns about co-19 prevention through messages delivered by Covid-19 Task Force spokespersons about increasing covid-19 cases, applying social distance / distance, implementing PHBS (clean and healthy lifestyle)), and the application of PSBB (Large Scale Social Limits) in another terms in the other countries use "lockdown" term. Mass media and online media are optimized by the government to provide information. The researchers concluded that the analysis carried out can be categorized into three stages, namely fact finding, planning & programming, taking action & communicating effectively.

Item Type: Monograph (Working Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Campaign; PR Campaign Management; Covid-19; Government;
Subjects: Communications Telemunications
Divisions: Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi > Program Studi Hubungan Masyarakat
Depositing User: Abdul Aziz Maarif
Date Deposited: 05 May 2020 04:02
Last Modified: 05 May 2020 04:02

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