Code switching in Dedy Corbuzier's podcast episode #Marshanda

Solihah, Siti (2020) Code switching in Dedy Corbuzier's podcast episode #Marshanda. Diploma thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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Code switching occurs in bilingual and multilingual community when a person switches from one language into another language. Therefore, the principle purpose of this study are (1) to analyze what are types of code switching in Dedy Corcuzier’s Podcast episode #Marshanda (2) What are the function of code switching in Dedy Corbuzier’s Podcast episode #Marshanda (3) What are the reason of code switching that occur in Dedy’s Corbuzier’s podcast episode #Marshanda. The object of the study were the utterance of Dedy Corbuzie and Marshanda from Dedy Corbuzier’s Podcast episode #Marshanda. This research aimed to find out the types of code switching, function of code switching and reason of code switching in Dedy Corbuzier’s Podcast episode #Marshanda. Meanwhile, the main theories for conducting data analysis are from Poplack (1980), Mattson and Burenhult (1999) and Hofmann (1991). The method used in this research is qualitative method. Based on data analysis, it shows that there are 74 data types of code switching: 59 data of Intra-sentential types of code switching and 15 data inter-sentential types of code switching. Besides that there are 74 data of function code switching: 39 data of topic switch function , 27 data of Affective function , 8 data of repetitive function. There is also 58 data reason of code switching : 10 data of talk about particular topic , 8 data of quoting somebody else , 10 data of being emphatic about something, 3 data of interjection, 12 data of repetition used for clarification , 5 data of intention of clarifying speech , and 10 data of expressing group identity . The results of the research shows that code switching does not occur just only for show off the ability of using English as second language on podcast but there are type, function and reason of code switching that make the bilingual speaker to share the idea in two languages easier.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sociolinguistic; code switching; type of code switching; function of code switching; reason of code switching; podcast;
Subjects: Culture and Institutions > Sociolinguistics
Divisions: Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora > Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Siti Solihah
Date Deposited: 16 Sep 2020 03:54
Last Modified: 16 Sep 2020 03:54

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