Perlindungan dan Pendidikan Anak dalam al-Quran dan Hadits Nabi SAW

Usep Dedi Rostandi, Usep (2015) Perlindungan dan Pendidikan Anak dalam al-Quran dan Hadits Nabi SAW. WAWASAN: Jurnal Ilmiah Agama dan Sosial Budaya, 38 (2). pp. 208-230. ISSN 0215-109X

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The artcle investigates the protection and education of children the Quran and Prophetic Tradition. The result of this study are: firstly, in the Quran, children as next generation of human beings, of course, is intended to have better qualities than the previous generation. They are generation that prepared to be smart and skillful, health physically and spiritually, has good and strong characters so that they are able to face any obstacles and temptations that could cause bad impact not only for themselves but also to their society, nation, and state. Secondly, children as the next generation, according to the al-Quran, has to be protected and educated in order to continue subsequent generation that have more qualified and better than previous generation. Quran porbids parents to kill their children because of proverty of afraid of living in proverty. Thirdly, in educating children, according to the Quran, the most important educations to be invested in the children are spiritual education (al-tarbiyyah al-ruhiyyah) and character education (al-tarbiyyah al-khuluqiyyah). Equally importance are physical education (al-tarbiyyah al-jismiyyah and social education (al-tarbiyyah al-ijtima'iyyah) for children as described in Prophetic Tradition. Fourthly, the state, society and individual, according to the Quran, are instructed to help other people in need, such as orphant, poor and another weak people in society. In the Quran, the instruction of giving or sharing wealth and belonging can be obligation, such as alms giving (both zakat fitrah and zakat mal), and can be optional, such as infaq, shadaqah, hibah, waqaf, etc.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: perlindungan anak, pendidikan anak
Subjects: Islam > Islamic Religious Education
Divisions: Fakultas Ushuluddin > Program Studi Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir
Depositing User: Mr. Jajang Burhanudin
Date Deposited: 22 May 2017 04:33
Last Modified: 22 May 2017 04:33

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