Mustamin, Mustamin (2021) Kerukunan umat beragama dalam teologi Calvinis: Studi komparatif Gereja Reformed Injili Indonesia Bandung dan Gereja Kristen Indonesia Kebonjati Bandung. Diploma thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Jati Bandung.
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INDONESIA: Masyarakat Indonesia merupakan masyarakat yang majemuk yang terdiri dari beragam agama kemajemukan yang ditandai dengan keanekaragaman agama itu mempu nyai kecederungan kuat terhadap identitas agama masing-masing dan berpotensi konflik Indonesia merupakan salah satu contoh masyarakat yang multicultural. Multicultural masyarakat Indonesia tidak saja karena keaneka ragaman suku, budaya, Bahasa, ras tapi juga dalam hal agama yang diakui olegh pemerintah Indonesia saat era reformasi Sekarang ini adalah agama yang diakuin oleh pemerintah Abdurahman Wahid (Gus Dur). dari agama-agam tersebut terjadilah perbedaan agama yang dianut masyarakat indonesia dengan perbedaan tersebut apabila tidak terpelihara dengan baik bisa menimbulakan konflik antar umat beragama yang bertentangan dengan nilai dasar agama itu sendiri yang mengajarkan kepada kita kedamaian hidup saling menghormati dan saling tolong menolong. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan komparatif. Hasil yang diperoleh peneliti dari penelitian ini adalah dengan melibatkan beberapa tokoh Gereja dan jemaat dari kedua belah pihak. Guna untuk memperdalam tentang kerukunan yang di jalin antar sesama pemeluk agama. Berdasarkan Analisa yang saya dapatkan, penulis menyimpulkan faktor pendukung terjadinya kerukunan umat beragama antara anggota jemaat gereja dari pihak GRII Bandung, GKI Kebonjati dan agama lainnya yang ada di kota Bandung. masyarakat menyadari bahwa kerukunan tidak akan terwujud tanpa adanya kesadaran dari setiap pemeluk agama, selain dari itu yang bisa terwujudnya kerukunan antar umat beragama yaitu dengan adanya rasa keyakinan terhadap agama dan Tuhan yang kuat sehingga dapat menerapkan sikap saling menghargai satu sama lain, oleh karena itu tidak lupa peran dari parah tokoh agama-agama harus selalu memberikan contoh sikap teladan yang baik untuk para jemaat nya dalam menghadapi perbedaan keyakinan dan berani mengambil sikap bertoleransi, gunannya untuk mencapai sebuah kerukunan yang ideal dalam beragama. Selain itu peran dari pemerintah pada saat ini sangat di butuhkan dalam mewujudkan suatu kerukunan umat beragama dalam ruang lingkup kenegaraan. INDONESIA: Indonesian society is a pluralistic society consisting of a variety of pluralistic religions which is characterized by religious diversity that has a strong tendency towards their respective religious identities and has the potential for conflict. Indonesia is one example of a multicultural society. Multicultural Indonesian society is not only due to the diversity of ethnicities, cultures, languages, races but also in terms of religion which was recognized by the Indonesian government during the reform era. Nowadays it is the religion recognized by the government of Abdurahman Wahid (Gus Dur). Of these religions, there will be differences in the religions adopted by the Indonesian people with differences if not properly maintained it can lead to conflicts between religious communities that are contrary to the basic values of religion itself which teaches us the peace of life of mutual respect and mutual help. This research raises three problems, namely: 1) What are the basics of the Theological Perspective of the Reformed Evangelical Church of Indonesia and the Indonesian Christian Church in Kebonjati Bandung, regarding religious harmony? 2) How is the harmony between the Indonesian Reformed Evangelical Church and the Kebonjati Indonesian Christian Church in Bandung with other religions in the city of Bandung? 3) What are the views of GRII Bandung and GKI Kebonjati Bandung regarding religious conflicts, causes, and solutions to resolve these conflicts? The objectives of this research are 1) To find out the basics of the Theology of the Reformed Evangelical Church of Indonesia and the Indonesian Christian Church regarding the harmony of the Bergama community. 2) To find out how to apply religious harmony according to the Reformed Evangelical Church of Indonesia and the Indonesian Christian Church. 3) To find out the views of the Reformed Evangelical Church of Indonesia and the Indonesian Christian Church regarding religious conflicts, and solutions to resolve these conflicts. This research uses qualitative and comparative methods. The results obtained by researchers from this study involved some church and congregation leaders from both sides. In order to deepen the harmony that is established between fellow religions. Based on the analysis I got, the authors conclude the supporting factors for the occurrence of religious harmony between church congregation members from the GRII Bandung, GKI Kebonjati, and other religions in the city of Bandung. society realizes that harmony will not be realized without the awareness of every religious adherent, apart from that what can create harmony between religious communities, namely by having a strong sense of belief in religion and God so that they can apply mutual respect for one another, therefore not forgetting the role of religious leaders who must always provide examples of good exemplary attitudes for their congregations in dealing with differences in beliefs and dare to take a tolerant attitude, the benefits of achieving an ideal harmony in religion. In addition, the role of the government at this time is very much needed in realizing religious harmony within the scope of the state.
Item Type: | Thesis (Diploma) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kerukunan; Umat Beragama; Teologi; Calvinis |
Subjects: | Religious Mythology > Interreligious Relations Aqaid (Aqidah, Akidah) dan Ilmu Kalam > Islam tentang Agama dan Aliran Lain, Hubungan Islam dengan Agama dan Aliran Lain |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ushuluddin > Program Studi, Studi Agama Agama |
Depositing User: | Mustamin Mustamin |
Date Deposited: | 31 May 2021 03:31 |
Last Modified: | 31 May 2021 03:31 |
URI: | |
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