Nur Fauziah, Nisa (2020) Sikap siswa terhadap media audio visual film dokumenter Nabi Musa AS hubungannya dengan motivasi belajar pada mata pelajaran PAI materi meneladani perilaku Nabi Musa AS : Penelitian di Kelas VIII SMPN 56 Bandung. Sarjana thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.
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INDONESIA : Berdasarkan informasi yang telah diperoleh bahwa di kelas VIII SMPN 56 Bandung dalam menanamkan keteladanan terhadap akhlak Rasul telah dilakukan melalui banyak hal diantaranya menggunakan media audio visual film (dokumenter) dalam pembelajaran PAI. Salah satu media audio visual tentang materi meneladani perilaku Nabi Musa As, ternyata sikap siswa dalam mengikuti pelajaran tersebut bervariasi. Ada siswa yang menunjukkan sikap yang positif dan ada pula yang negatif. Kondisi ini diduga dapat menyebabkan rendahnya motivasi belajar mereka pada mata pelajaran PAI. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk (1) Realitas sikap siswa terhadap media audio visual film (dokumenter) pada mata pelajaran PAI materi meneladani Perilaku Nabi Musa As di kelas VIII SMPN 56 Bandung, (2) Realitas motivasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran PAI materi meneladani perilaku Nabi Musa As di kelas VIII SMPN 56 Bandung, (3) Realitas hubungan antara sikap siswa terhadap media audio visual film (dokumenter) dengan motivasi belajar pada mata pelajaran PAI materi meneladani perilaku Nabi Musa As di kelas VIII SMPN 56 Bandung. Penelitian ini berangkat dari sebuah pemikiran bahwa sikap siswa terhadap sesuatu hal dapat mempengaruhi berbagai macam faktor, diantaranya motivasi belajar. Motivasi terjadi karena adanya sikap yang baik terhadap pembelajaran yang dapat merangsang motivasi siswa. Oleh karena itu hipotesis yang diajukan adalah semakin positif/baik sikap siswa terhadap media audio visual film (dokumenter) maka semakin kuat motivasi siswa mengikuti pelajaran PAI. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode korelasional/korelasi. Responden dalam penelitian ini melibatkan 32 orang siswa-siswi SMP Negeri 56 Bandung tepatnya di kelas VIII. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, dokumentasi, dan angket. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa (1) Realitas sikap siswa terhadap media audio visual film (dokumenter) pada mata pelajaran PAI materi meneladani perilaku Nabi Musa As di kelas VIII SMPN 56 Bandung termasuk pada kategori baik berdasarkan skor akhir 4,57 (2) Realitas motivasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran PAI materi meneladani perilaku Nabi Musa As di kelas VIII SMPN 56 Bandung termasuk pada kategori baik berdasarkan skor akhir 4,09 (3) Realitas hubungan antara sikap siswa terhadap media audio visual film (dokumenter) dengan motivasi belajar pada mata pelajaran PAI materi meneladani perilaku Nabi Musa As di kelas VIII SMPN 56 Bandung adalah (a) koefisien korelasinya termasuk pada kategori rendah berdasarkan skor akhir 0,24 (b) hipotesis diterima berdasarkan skor rhitung (1,75) < skor rtabel (2,85) (c) derajat pengaruhnya sebesar 6%. Hal ini berarti masih banyak faktor lain sebesar 94% yang dapat mempengaruhi motivasi belajar siswa kelas VIII SMPN 56 Bandung. ENGLISH : Based on the information that has been obtained that in class VIII SMPN 56 Bandung in instilling an example of the character of the Apostle has been done through many things including using audio-visual media (documentary) in PAI learning. One of the audio visual media about material imitating the behavior of Prophet Musa As, it turns out that the attitude of students in following the lesson varies. There are students who show a positive attitude and some are negative. This condition is thought to cause their low motivation to learn in PAI subjects.The aims of this study are (1) the reality of students' attitudes towards audio-visual film (documentary) media in PAI subjects, the material imitates the behavior of the Prophet Musa As in class VIII SMPN 56 Bandung, (2) the reality of students' learning motivation in PAI subjects material imitates the behavior of the Prophet Musa As in class VIII of SMPN 56 Bandung, (3) The reality of the relationship between students' attitudes towards audio-visual media (documentary) and learning motivation in PAI subjects, imitating the behavior of Prophet Musa As in class VIII of SMPN 56 Bandung. This research departs from the idea that students' attitudes towards something can affect various factors, including learning motivation. Motivation occurs because of a good attitude towards learning that can stimulate student motivation. Therefore, the hypothesis proposed is that the more positive/better students' attitudes towards audio-visual films (documentary) media, the stronger the motivation of students to take PAI lessons. The method used in this research is the correlational method. Respondents in this study involved 32 students of SMP Negeri 56 Bandung, precisely in class VIII. While the data collection techniques were carried out through observation, documentation, and questionnaires. From the results of the study, it was found that (1) the reality of students' attitudes towards audio-visual film (documentary) media in PAI subjects, the material imitated the behavior of the Prophet Musa As in class VIII SMPN 56 Bandung included in the good category based on the final score of 4.57 (2) Reality of motivation student learning in PAI subjects, imitating the behavior of the Prophet Musa As in class VIII SMPN 56 Bandung is included in the good category based on the final score of 4.09 (3) The reality of the relationship between students' attitudes towards audio-visual media films (documentary) with learning motivation in subjects PAI material imitating the behavior of Prophet Musa As in class VIII SMPN 56 Bandung is (a) the correlation coefficient is included in the low category based on the final score of 0.24 (b) the hypothesis is accepted based on the score rcount (1.75) < rtable score (2.85) (c) the degree of influence is 6%. This means that there are many other factors of 94% that can affect the learning motivation of class VIII students of SMPN 56 Bandung.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Sikap; Media Audio Visual Film Dokumenter; Motivasi Belajar. |
Subjects: | Islam > Islamic Religious Education |
Divisions: | Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam |
Depositing User: | Nisa Nur Fauziah |
Date Deposited: | 13 Jul 2022 04:27 |
Last Modified: | 13 Jul 2022 04:27 |
URI: | |
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