Hamidah, Dian (2023) Pembiasaan Shalat Tahajud bersama hubungannya dengan disiplin belajar dan perilaku jujur siswa di SMP Islam Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive School. Masters thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.
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Pembiasaan shalat tahajud bersama merupakan program keagamaan sekolah yang dilaksanakan secara rutin oleh siswa dan guru di SMP Islam Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive School. Kegiatan ini bertujuan membiasakan siswa agar bangun malam untuk shalat tahajud. Salah satu manfaat membiasakan shalat tahajud yaitu mengajarkan hidup disiplin yang tinggi. Maka orang yang rajin shalat, semestinya menjadi orang yang paling disiplin belajar. Shalat tahajud juga mempunyai pengaruh terhadap kecerdasan spiritual dimana salah satunya perilaku kejujuran. Namun pada fenomenanya masih ada siswa yang tidak disiplin dalam belajar dan tidak berprilaku jujur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menganalisis realitas pembiasaan shalat tahajud bersama di SMP Islam Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive School; (2) menganalisis realitas disiplin belajar siswa di SMP Islam Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive School; (3) menganalisis realitas perilaku jujur siswa di siswa di SMP Islam Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive School; (4) menganalisis hubungan pembiasaan shalat tahajud bersama dengan disiplin belajar dan perilaku jujur siswa di SMP Islam Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive School. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan jenis korelasional. Populasi penelitian merupakan siswa SMP Islam Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive School terdiri dari 4 kelas. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 83 responden yang merupakan jumlah keseluruhan dari populasi. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa observasi, angket, dan dokumentasi selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji statistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Realitas pembiasaan shalat tahajud bersama di SMP Islam Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive School termasuk pada kualifikasi sedang karena ditunjukkan dengan nilai rata-rata 3,32 dan angka tersebut berada pada interval 2,60 – 3,39. (2) Realitas disiplin belajar di SMP Islam Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive School termasuk pada kualifikasi tinggi karena ditunjukkan dengan nilai rata-rata 3,77 dan angka tersebut berada pada interval 3,40 – 4,19. (3) Realitas perilaku jujur di SMP Islam Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive School termasuk pada kualifikasi tinggi karena ditunjukkan dengan nilai rata-rata 3,48 dan angka tersebut berada pada interval 3,40 – 4,19. (4) Hubungan antara ketiganya adalah; (a) Hubungan pembiasaan shalat tahajud bersama terhadap disiplin belajar di SMP Islam Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive School sebesar 0,638. Nilai tersebut berada pada rentang 0,40 – 0,599 dengan kriteria kuat; (b) Hubungan pembiasaan shalat tahajud bersama terhadap perilaku jujur di SMP Islam Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive School sebesar 0,516. Nilai tersebut berada pada rentang 0,40 – 0,599 dengan kriteria kuat; (c) Pembiasaan shalat tahajud bersama memiliki pengaruh sebesar 45% terhadap disiplin belajar dan perilaku jujur siswa dan sisanya 55% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. The habit of praying midnight together is a school religious program that is carried out regularly by students and teachers at the Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive Islamic Middle School. This activity aims to familiarize students to get up at night to pray midnight. One of the benefits of getting used to the midnight prayer is that it teaches a high disciplined life. So people who pray diligently, should be the most disciplined in learning. The midnight prayer also has an influence on spiritual intelligence, one of which is honesty. But in the phenomenon there are still students who are not disciplined in learning and do not behave honestly. This study aims to: (1) analyze the reality of the habit of praying together at the Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive Islamic Middle School; (2) analyzing the reality of student learning discipline at Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive Islamic Middle School; (3) analyzing the reality of students' honest behavior in students at SMP Islam Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive School; (4) to analyze the relationship between the habituation of the midnight prayer with learning discipline and honest behavior of students at the Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive Islamic Middle School. The research approach used is quantitative with a correlational type. The population of this research is Islamic Middle School students of Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive School consisting of 4 classes. The research sample is 83 respondents which is the total number of the population. The research instruments used were observation, questionnaires, and documentation and then the data were analyzed using statistical tests. The results of the study show that: (1) The reality of the habit of praying the midnight prayer together at Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive Islamic Middle School is included in the moderate qualification because it is indicated by an average value of 3.32 and the number is in the interval 2.60 – 3.39. (2) The reality of learning discipline at the Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive Islamic Middle School is included in the high qualifications because it is indicated by an average value of 3.77 and this number is in the interval 3.40 – 4.19. (3) The reality of honest behavior at Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive Islamic Middle School is included in the high qualifications because it is indicated by an average value of 3.48 and this number is in the interval 3.40 – 4.19. (4) The relationship between the three is; (a) The relationship between the habituation of the midnight prayer together with learning discipline at the Islamic Middle School Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive School is 0.638. This value is in the range of 0.40 – 0.599 with strong criteria; (b) The relationship between the habituation of the midnight prayer together with honest behavior at the Bakti Asih Islamic Interactive Islamic Interactive School Islamic Middle School is 0.516. This value is in the range of 0.40 – 0.599 with strong criteria; (c) The habit of praying together has a 45% influence on learning discipline and honest behavior of students and the remaining 55% is influenced by other factors.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Pembiasaan Shalat Tahajud; Disiplin Belajar; Perilaku Jujur |
Subjects: | Islam > Islamic Religious Education Education, Research |
Divisions: | Pascasarjana Program Magister > Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam |
Depositing User: | Dian Hamidah |
Date Deposited: | 15 May 2023 07:00 |
Last Modified: | 15 May 2023 07:00 |
URI: | https://digilib.uinsgd.ac.id/id/eprint/67936 |
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