Pratama, Aditiya (2022) Internalisasi nilai-nilai religius pada Kurikulum Ciri Khas dalam membentuk sikap dan perilaku Keberagamaan peserta didik : Penelitian di MI Terpadu Ar Rifqi, Cibiru Hilir, Cileunyi, Bandung. Masters thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.
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Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi pada hasil awal studi lapangan di MI Terpadu Ar-Rifqi tentang perkembangan sikap dan perilaku keberagamaan peserta didik. Proses pembelajaran yang hanya menitik beratkan pada transfer of knowledge tidak mampu menanggulangi dampak globalisasi. Ditemukan permasalahan bahwa perkembangan teknologi dan globalisasi berdampak terhadap aktivitas ibadah peserta didik yang semakin berkurang. Keadaan semakin diperparah saat anak banyak menggunakan gadget di masa Covid-19. Hal lain yang ditemukan ialah hate speach. Wakasek Kurikulum MI Terpadu Ar Rifqi menjelaskan permasalahan tersebut bertolak belakang dengan nilai-nilai Islam. Untuk menangani hal tersebut, peneliti berpendaat bahwa proses pendidikan di sekolah perlu lebih dikuatkan dengan memasukan nilai-nilai keagamaan yang fokus pada pembentukan sikap dan perilaku keberagamaan. Penelitian ini menguraikan beberapa tujuan, yakni; 1) Mengetahui program internalisasi nilai-nilai religius pada kurikulum ciri khas dalam membentuk sikap dan perilaku keagamaan peserta didik. 2) Mengetahui proses internalisasi nilai-nilai religius pada kurikulum ciri khas dalam membentuk sikap dan perilaku keagamaan peserta didik. 3) Mengetahui evaluasi internalisasi nilai-nilai religius pada kurikulum ciri khas dalam membentuk sikap dan perilaku keagamaan peserta didik. 4) Mengetahui faktor pendukung dan penghambat proses internalisasi nilai-nilai religius pada kurikulum ciri khas dalam membentuk sikap dan perilaku keagamaan peserta didik. 5) Mengetahui hasil internalisasi nilai-nilai religius pada kurikulum ciri khas dalam membentuk sikap dan perilaku keagamaan peserta didik. Penelitian ini bersandarkan pada teori "tasfiyah wa tarbiyah" Al-Ghazali yang menyatakan bahwa proses pendidikan seharusnya bukan hanya sekadar memasukkan informasi ke dalam pikiran seseorang, tetapi juga melibatkan transformasi batiniah. Metode ini diaplikasikan melalui kurikulum khusus yang bertujuan untuk membentuk karakter peserta didik sesuai dengan ajaran Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara kepada PKS Kurikulum, PKS Kesiswaan, guru, orang tua, dan siswa. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proses internalisasi nilai-nilai religius dalam kurikulum ciri khas dapat membentuk sikap dan perilaku keberagamaan siswa dengan melibatkan; 1) Program yang dilaksanakan meliputi program pra-pembelajaran, program pelaksanaan pembelajaran, dan program pasca pembelajaran. 2) Proses pelaksanaan dilakukan dengan memprogram waktu pembelajaran yang terintegrasi, menggunakan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai, menciptakan lingkungan yang kondusif dan menggunakan metode yang tepat, seperti metode ceramah, diskusi, tanya jawab, praktik, pembiasaan, penghayatan dan keteladanan. 3) Evaluasi dilakukan melalui evaluasi kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik. 4) Faktor pendukung meliputi kualitas sumber daya manusia, fasilitas, dan lingkungan yang mendukung, sementara faktor penghambat meliputi keterbatasan sumber daya manusia dan waktu, kurangnya sarana ibadah di sekitar sekolah dan adanya orang tua yang tidak peduli selama anak berada di rumah. 5) Sikap dan perilaku keberagamaan siswa tercermin melalui pelaksanaan ibadah, kesadaran diri, dan konsistensi dalam berperilaku. Kata kunci : Kurikulum, religius, sikap ABSTRACT Aditiya Pratama: Internalization of Religious Values in the Distinctive Curriculum to Shape Attitudes and Religious Behaviors of Students (A Study at Integrated Islamic Elementary School Ar Rifqi, Cibiru Hilir, Cileunyi, Bandung) This research is motivated by the initial findings of a field study at MI Terpadu Ar-Rifqi regarding the development of students' religious attitudes and behaviors. A learning process that solely emphasizes the transfer of knowledge is unable to address the impact of globalization. It has been found that technological advancements and globalization have had an impact on the religious activities of students, which have been decreasing. The situation worsened when children used gadgets extensively during the Covid-19 pandemic. Another issue that was found is hate speech. The Vice Principal of Curriculum at MI Terpadu Ar-Rifqi explains that these issues contradict Islamic values. To address this, the researcher believes that the education process in schools needs to be strengthened by incorporating religious values with a focus on shaping religious attitudes and behaviors. This research outlines several objectives, namely: 1) To understand the internalization of religious values in the distinctive curriculum in shaping the religious attitudes and behaviors of students. 2) To understand the process of internalizing religious values in the distinctive curriculum in shaping the religious attitudes and behaviors of students. 3) To assess the internalization of religious values in the distinctive curriculum in shaping the religious attitudes and behaviors of students. 4) To identify the supporting and inhibiting factors in the process of internalizing religious values in the distinctive curriculum in shaping the religious attitudes and behaviors of students. 5) To determine the outcomes of internalizing religious values in the distinctive curriculum in shaping the religious attitudes and behaviors of students. This research is based on Al-Ghazali's theory of "tasfiyah wa tarbiyah," which states that the educational process should not only involve the imparting of information into someone's mind but should also involve inner transformation. This method is applied through a specialized curriculum aimed at shaping the character of students in accordance with Islamic teachings. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data collection is carried out through interviews with Curriculum Supervisors, Student Affairs Supervisors, teachers, parents, and students. Data analysis is conducted using descriptive analysis techniques. The research findings indicate that the process of internalizing religious values in the distinctive curriculum can shape the religious attitudes and behaviors of students by involving: 1) Implemented programs, including pre-learning programs, learning implementation programs, and post-learning programs. 2) The implementation process is carried out by scheduling integrated learning time, using adequate facilities and infrastructure, creating a conducive environment, and using appropriate methods, such as lectures, discussions, question and answer sessions, practical activities, habituation, internalization, and emulation. 3) Evaluation is conducted through cognitive, affective, and psychomotor evaluations. 4) Supporting factors include the quality of human resources, facilities, and a supportive environment, while inhibiting factors include limited human resources and time, a lack of places of worship around the school, and parents who are indifferent while their children are at home. 5) The religious attitudes and behaviors of students are reflected in the implementation of worship, self-awareness, and consistency in behavior. Keywords: Curriculum, religion, attitudes
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Nilai Religius; Kurikulum Ciri Khas; Sikap dan Perilaku; Peserta Didik |
Subjects: | Educational Institutions, Schools and Their Activities Educational Institutions, Schools and Their Activities > Religious Schools Curricula > Curriculum Development Education and Research of Literatures |
Divisions: | Pascasarjana Program Magister > Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam |
Depositing User: | Pratama Aditiya |
Date Deposited: | 06 Oct 2023 04:20 |
Last Modified: | 06 Oct 2023 04:20 |
URI: | |
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