Peran karyawan dalam mencapai tujuan budaya perusahaan : Analisis deskriptif kualitatif pada kegiatan FIRST & ASA Commitment Auto2000 cabang Cibiru

Safitri, Novita (2024) Peran karyawan dalam mencapai tujuan budaya perusahaan : Analisis deskriptif kualitatif pada kegiatan FIRST & ASA Commitment Auto2000 cabang Cibiru. Sarjana thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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INDONESIA: Auto2000 Cibiru merupakan salah satu cabang dari Auto2000 yang bergerak dalam bisnis otomotif merk Toyota dengan berfokus pada penjualan unit dan perawatan kendaraan. Cabang ini memiliki karyawan kurang lebih 90 orang karyawan di dalamnya. Hal tersebut menjadi fenomena dasar untuk mempelajari bagaimana peran karyawan Auto2000 Cabang Cibiru dalam upaya mencapai tujuan dari budaya perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran karyawan secara fisik, kognitif, dan emosional dalam kegiatan employee berupa penguatan budaya perusahaan melalui FIRST & ASA Commitment. Konsep three dimensions of employee engagement dari Kahn digunakan karena ada relevansi dalam melihat peran keterlibatan karyawan Auto2000 Cibiru. Paradigma konstruktivistik dan pendekatan kualitatif serta metode deskriptif digunakan dalam penelitian. Data penelitian ini diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam,observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam melihat peran karyawan Auto2000 Cibiru dalam kegiatan employee relations melalui FIRST & ASA Commitment ini dapat dilihat dari tiga dimensi. Dimensi keterlibatan secara fisik (physical engagement) terlihat dari kontribusi dan interaksi yang ditunjukkan karyawan. Dimensi keterlibatan secara kognitif (cognitive engagement) terlihat dari sisi konsentrasi, kemampuan mengingat (memory), berpikir logis (logic and reasoning), serta learning yang menunjang kemampuan karyawan dalam menunjang pengimplementasian target commitment serta operasional sehari-hari. Dimensi keterlibatan emosional (emotional engagement) ini melibatkan sisi personal dan hubungan interpersonal karyawan yakni sense of responsibility, sense of belonging, komitmen dan loyalitas, serta dedikasi yang diberikan sebagai kunci dalam membina hubungan baik antar karyawan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah implementasi corporate culture melalui kegiatan FIRST & ASA Commitment ini sebagai upaya meningkatkan peran dan membangun hubungan yang baik antar sesama karyawan maupun dengan pihak manajemen. Kegiatan penguatan budaya dan standar pelayanan ini menjadi salah satu cara membangun engagement terhadap perusahaan sesuai dengan konsep three dimensions of employee engagement yang dikemukakan oleh William A. Kahn. ENGLISH Novita Safitri, The Role of Employees in Achieving Corporate Culture Goals (Qualitative Descriptive Analysis of FIRST & ASA Commitment Activities Auto2000 Cibiru Branch) Auto2000 Cibiru is one of the branches of Auto2000, which is engaged in the Toyota brand automotive business, focusing on unit sales and vehicle maintenance. This branch has approximately 90 employees. This is a basic phenomenon for studying the roles of employees at Auto2000 Cibiru Branch in efforts to achieve the goals of company culture. This research aims to determine the role of employees physically, cognitively and emotionally in employee relations activities through FIRST & ASA Commitment. Kahn's concept of three dimensions of employee engagement is used because it has relevance in looking at the role of employee engagement at Auto2000 Cibiru. The constructivist paradigm and qualitative approach as well as descriptive methods were used in the research. This research data was obtained through in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. The research results show that looking at the role of Auto2000 Cibiru employees in employee relations activities through FIRST & ASA Commitment can be seen from three dimensions. The dimension of physical involvement can be seen from the contributions and interactions shown by employees. The dimensions of cognitive engagement can be seen in terms of concentration, ability to remember, think logically (logic and reasoning), and learning which supports employees' ability to support the implementation of commitment targets and daily operations. This dimension of emotional involvement involves the personal side and interpersonal relationships of employees, namely the sense of responsibility, sense of belonging, commitment and loyalty, as well as the dedication given as the key to fostering good relationships between employee In conclusion, the implementation of employee relations through FIRST & ASA Commitment activities is an effort to increase the role and build good relationships between fellow employees and with management. This activity to strengthen culture and service standards is one way to build engagement with the company in accordance with the concept of three dimensions of employee engagement proposed by William A. Kahn.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Budaya Perusahaan; Peran Karyawan; Corporate Culture; Employee Role; Auto2000 Cibiru
Subjects: Applied Psychology > Interpersonal Relations
Applied Psychology > Interpersonal Relations with Works Associates
Social Interaction, Interpersonal Relations
Culture and Institutions
Divisions: Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi > Program Studi Hubungan Masyarakat
Depositing User: Novita Safitri
Date Deposited: 16 Jul 2024 01:54
Last Modified: 16 Jul 2024 01:54

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