Inner conflict of Amy Elliot Dunne as main character in Gillian Flynn's gone girl

Putra Awanda, Dzikri (2024) Inner conflict of Amy Elliot Dunne as main character in Gillian Flynn's gone girl. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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ENGLISH: The purpose of this research is to find out identification about the inner conflict of Amy Elliot Dunne, the central character in Gillian Flynn's novel Gone Girl, through the lens of psychoanalysis and Kurt Lewin's Theory of Inner Conflict. Employing a criticism approach, the study aims to unravel the intricacies of Amy's psyche and the factors contributing to her inner turmoil. The study explores the novel's narrative, focusing on Amy's character development and the manifestation of her inner conflicts. Central to the analysis is the application of psychoanalysis, particularly examining Amy's psyche and behavior within the context of the story. Through the application of psychoanalytic principles and Lewin's theoretical framework, the study categorizes Amy's conflicts into various types, including approach-approach, approach-avoidance, and avoidance-avoidance conflicts. It delves into the underlying causes of these conflicts, considering factors such as driving forces, restraining forces, personal needs, induced forces, and impersonal forces. Furthermore, the research investigates the resolutions of Amy's conflicts, analyzing the outcomes through the lens of positive valence, negative valence, and neutral valence. By dissecting Amy's inner conflict, this thesis offers insights into the complexity of human psychology and behavior. It sheds light on the motivations, desires, and fears driving Amy's actions throughout the novel. Ultimately, the study contributes to a deeper understanding of the character dynamics and narrative intricacies in Gone Girl, while also providing valuable insights into the broader theme of inner conflict in literature. INDONESIA: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan identifikasi tentang konflik batin Amy Elliot Dunne, karakter sentral dalam novel Gone Girl karya Gillian Flynn, melalui lensa psikoanalisis dan Teori Konflik Inner Kurt Lewin. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kritik, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap kompleksitas psikis Amy dan faktor-faktor yang berkontribusi pada kegelisahannya. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi narasi novel, berfokus pada perkembangan karakter Amy dan manifestasi konflik batinnya. Pusat dari analisis ini adalah penerapan psikoanalisis, terutama memeriksa psikis dan perilaku Amy dalam konteks cerita. Melalui penerapan prinsip psikoanalitik dan kerangka teoritis Lewin, penelitian ini mengkategorikan konflik Amy ke berbagai jenis, termasuk approach-apporach conflict, approach-avoidance conflict, dan avoidanceavoidance conflict. Juga membahas penyebab mendasar dari konflik batin tersebut, diantaranya adalah driving forces, restraining forces, personal needs, induced forces, and impersonal forces. Selain itu, penelitian ini menyelidiki resolusi dari konflik batin Amy, melalui positive valence, negative valence, dan neutral valence. Dengan membedah konflik batin Amy, tesis ini menawarkan wawasan tentang kompleksitas psikologi dan perilaku manusia. Ini memberikan pemahaman tentang motivasi, keinginan, dan ketakutan yang mendorong tindakan Amy sepanjang novel. Pada akhirnya, penelitian ini berkontribusi pada pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang dinamika karakter dan kompleksitas naratif dalam Gone Girl.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Psychoanalysis; Kurt Lewin; Inner Conflict
Subjects: English Literatures
Divisions: Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora > Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Dzikri Dzikri Putra Awanda
Date Deposited: 02 Aug 2024 07:31
Last Modified: 02 Aug 2024 07:31

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