Pengaruh regulasi emosi dan Self Control terhadap agresivitas verbal pada pemain Mobile Legends

Azza, Watsiqullubab (2024) Pengaruh regulasi emosi dan Self Control terhadap agresivitas verbal pada pemain Mobile Legends. Sarjana thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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INDONESIA: Dengan meningkatnya popularitas video game, perilaku toxic seperti agresi verbal, penghinaan, dan provokasi di antara pemain menjadi semakin umum. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kausalitas dengan sampel 190 mahasiswa S1 Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung yang bermain Mobile Legends. Instrumen yang digunakan meliputi Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) untuk regulasi emosi, Self-Control Scale (SCS) untuk self control, dan Skala Agresi Verbal untuk agresi verbal. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan Uji Regresi Berganda dan Uji Koefisien Determinasi dengan IBM Statistics 21. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh signifikan dari regulasi emosi dan self control terhadap agresi verbal mahasiswa pemain Mobile Legends. ENGLISH: With the increasing popularity of video games, toxic behaviors such as verbal aggression, insults, and provocation among players have become more common. This study uses a causal design with a sample of 190 undergraduate students from Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung who play Mobile Legends. The instruments used include the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) for emotion regulation, the Self-Control Scale (SCS) for self-control, and the Verbal Aggression Scale for verbal aggression. Data analysis was conducted using Multiple Regression Tests and the Coefficient of Determination Test with IBM Statistics 21. The results of the study indicate a significant influence of emotion regulation and self-control on the verbal aggression of Mobile Legends players.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Regulasi Emosi; Self Control; Agresi Verbal
Subjects: Conscious Mental Process and Intelligence > Communication Psychology
Differential and Developmental Psychology > Psychology of Adults
Applied Psychology > Interpersonal Relations
Divisions: Fakultas Psikologi > Program Studi Psikologi
Depositing User: Watsiqullubab Azza
Date Deposited: 15 Aug 2024 06:44
Last Modified: 15 Aug 2024 06:44

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