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Zulfikar, Wildan Budiawan and Irfan, Mohamad and Dewi, Pramadita Sielda and Slamet, Cepy and Taufik, Ichsan (2022) C4. 5 and ID3 comparison to classify credit issue on Indonesian National Health Insurance. In: ICWT 2022.
Zulfikar, Wildan Budiawan and Kaafah, Faiz Muqorrir and Maulana, Risnandy and Slamet, Cepy and Lukman, Nur and Rahman, Ali (2022) Integrity assurance system for document security using keccak and quick algorithm response code. In: ICWT 2022.
Andi, Aditya Welly and Slamet, Cepy and Maylawati, Dian Sa'adillah and Jumadi, Jumadi and Atmadja, Aldy Rialdy and Ramdhani, Muhammad Ali (2022) Sentiment Analysis of State Capital Relocation of Indonesia using Convolutional Neural Network. In: 2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design (ICCED), 28-29 Juli 2022, Sukabumi.
Zulfikar, Wildan Budiawan and Dewi, Pramadita Sielda and Irfan, Mohamad and Slamet, Cepy and Taufik, Ichsan (2022) Sentiment analysis as assessment of the COVID-19 social assistance pollemic using random forest algorithm. In: ICWT 2022.
Uriawan, Wisnu and Muhammad, Ikbar Nur and Taufik, Ichsan and Slamet, Cepy (2021) Implementation of question answering system by using the Rule-Based method about Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islam, Science and Technology, ICONISTECH 2019, 11-12 July 2019, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.
Taufik, Ichsan and Slamet, Cepy and Wahana, Agung and Faizin, Barzan (2020) Rekayasa perangkat lunak pada data mining penyakit: Suatu tinjauan literatur sistematis. Penulisan Karya Tulis Ilmiah UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung di Masa Work from Home Tahun 2020. (Unpublished)
Rahadian, Irvan Moch. Taufiq and Slamet, Cepy and Andrian, Rian and Aulawi, Hilmi and Ramdhani, Muhammad Ali (2018) Early warning system in mobile-based impacted areas. International Journal of Engineering & Technology (UEA), 7 (3.4). pp. 118-121. ISSN 2227-524X
Irwansyah, Ferli Septi and Slamet, Cepy and Ramdhani, Muhammad Ali (2018) The Analysis of Determinant Factors in Selecting Laboratory Equipment in Chemistry Education Experiment. Chemical Engineering Transaction, 63. pp. 793-798. ISSN 2283-9216
Slamet, Cepy and Andrian, Rian and Maylawati, Dian Sa'adillah and Suhendar, Suhendar and Darmalaksana, Wahyudin and Ramdhani, Muhammad Ali (2018) Web scraping and naïve bayes classification for job search engine. In: The 2nd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2017).
Rahman, Ali and Slamet, Cepy and Darmalaksana, Wahyudin and Gerhana, Yana A. and Ramdhani, Muhammad Ali (2018) Expert System for Deciding a Solution of Mechanical Failure in a Car using Case-based Reasoning. In: The 2nd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2017), 24 August 2017, Bandung.
Aulawi, Hilmi and Ramdhani, Muhammad Ali and Slamet, Cepy and Ainisyifa, Hilda and Darmalaksana, Wahyudin (2017) Functional need analysis of knowledge portal design in higher education institution. International Journal of Soft Computing, 12 (2). pp. 132-141. ISSN 1816-9503
Slamet, Cepy and Rahman, Ali and Sutedi, Ade and Darmalaksana, Wahyudin and Ramdhani, Muhammad Ali and Maylawati, Dian Sa'adillah (2017) Social Media-Based Identifier for Natural Disaster. In: The 2nd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2017).
Slamet, Cepy and Rahman, Ali and Ramdhani, Muhammad Ali and Darmalaksana, Wahyudin (2016) Clustering the Verses of the Holy Qur'an using K-Means Algorithm. Asian Journal of Information Technology, 15 (24). pp. 5159-5162. ISSN 1682-3925
Slamet, Cepy and Rialdi Atmaja, Aldy and Lestari, Rahayu S and Ramdhani, Muhammad Ali Automated text summarization for Indonesian article using Vector Space Model. In: The 2nd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2017).