EFL students' use of passive voice in their Indonesian-English translation project: methods & problems: A case study on the 4th semester students of English education Department at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Azzahra, Maryam Yuniar (2024) EFL students' use of passive voice in their Indonesian-English translation project: methods & problems: A case study on the 4th semester students of English education Department at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Sarjana thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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This research aims to determine how English Education Department students at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung did their translation projects in the past as well as the problems that hindered the students, in hope to establish an effective solution to the problem. To collect the data, a case study was employed. The process of collecting research data utilized both document analysis and interview. The document analyzed were in the form of the fourth semester students’ translation projects, which was the part of Translating Indonesian-English class project. Said analysis was conducted in order to discover how the fourth semester students translated passive voice from Indonesian to English. Meanwhile, the researcher also interviewed the students participating in this research to better understand the difficulties they encountered as they did their translation project in the past. The study brings about two main results. First, the result of the investigation regarding the method used by students in their translation projects was word-for-word translation. The word-for-word method use was prominent because the analysis result showed that most of the students employed complex passive with be to translate the Indonesian passive sentences, all the while the source text were dominantly consisted of complex passive sentences in Indonesian. Second, the problems that arose during their translation projects were lack of grammatical comprehension, insufficient vocabulary, difficulties in applying the appropriate terms in their translations, and negative perception on the Translating Indonesian English class. In conclusion, the students’ inclination to translate passive voice from into passive voice, as well as their difficulty in understanding grammatical features such as kinds of voices indicate that there is an underlying problem in students’ grammatical skills. Therefore, this study expected that the educators of translation and English grammar should consider incorporating more comprehensive grammar instruction and practical translation exercises that expose students to a variety of passive constructions. Additionally, creating a supportive learning environment that reduces pressure and builds confidence can significantly improve students' translation abilities.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Translating Indonesian to English; passive voice; translation project
Subjects: Higher Education, Universities > Higher Education in Indonesia
Education, Research of Language, Related Topics of Language
Linguistics > Research and Statistical Methods of Linguistic
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Maryam Yuniar Azzahra
Date Deposited: 07 Aug 2024 06:54
Last Modified: 07 Aug 2024 06:54
URI: https://digilib.uinsgd.ac.id/id/eprint/93122

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