Alfiyan, Paramudita (2018) MANAJEMEN SUPERVISI AKADEMIK DI SMP PLUS AL-AQSHA. Diploma thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.
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Perubahan sistem pada pengelolaan baik dari segi pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, harus adanya supervisi yang jelas. Usaha sadar yang dilakukan oleh atasan kepada bawahan dalam ruang lingkup pendidikan, guna memperbaki mutu pembelajaran yaitu kepala sekolah kepada para guru untuk mencapai tujuan sekolah secara efektif dan efisien. Keberhasilan supervisi akademik disandarkan pada teori supervisi akademik. Manajemen supervisi akademik dapat dijadikan sebagai cara kepala sekolah dalam mengelola dan mengatur tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Teori manajemen supervisi akademik mencakup tahap perencanaan program supervisi, tahap pelaksanaan supervisi, dan tindak lanjut atau evaluasi pelaksanaan supervisi. Rumusan masalah dalam menelitian ini adalah bagaimana profil kepala sekolah SMP Plus Al-Aqsha? Bagaimana perencanaan supervisi akademik di SMP Plus Al-Aqsha? Bagaimana pelaksanaan supervisi akademik di SMP Plus Al-Aqsha? Bagaiman evaluasi pelaksanaan supervisi akademik di SMP Plus Al-Aqsha? Bagaiman hasil supervisi akademik di SMP Plus Al-Aqsha? Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui profil kepala sekolah SMP Plus Al-Aqsha, Perencanaan supervisi akademik di SMP Plus Al-Aqsha, Pelaksanaan supervisi akademik di SMP Plus Al-Aqsha, Evaluasi pelaksanaan supervisi akademik di SMP Plus Al-Aqsha, dan Hasil supervisi akademik di SMP Plus Al-Aqsha. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan reduksi data dan penyajian data. Adapun uji absah data dilakukan dengan perpanjangan pengamatan, peningkatan ketekunan, triangulasi, analisis kasus negatif, menggunakan bahan referensi, member check. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa manajemen supervisi akademik telah diterapkan di SMP Plus Al-Aqsha. Kepala sekolah membuat perencanaan program supervisi akademik yang disusun oleh kepala sekolah dan wakil kepala sekolah bidang kurikulum. Pelaksanaan supervisi akademik dengan menggunakan dua teknik yaitu teknik individu dan teknik kelompok. Teknik individu dilaksanakan dengan observasi kelas atau penilain guru, dan supervisi kelompok dilaksanakan dua minggu sekali pada program LSBS dan workshop. Akan tetapi tahun 2016-2017 belum terlaksana dan untuk tahun ini akan dilaksnakan di semester dua. Guru yang masih lemah dalam mengajar akan ditekankan dalam keikutsertaannya pada program supervisi kelompok berupa LSBS, workshop dan sebagainya. Sementara hal yang berkaitan dengan reward bagi guru yang mendapatkan nilai diatas setandar belum ada hanya jam mengajarnya akan ditambah. ABSTRACT Alfiyan Paramudita, Academic Supervision Management (research in junior high school Plus Al-Aqsha). System changes to management both in terms of educators and education personnel there should be a clear supervision. Conscious efforts made by superiors to subordinates within the scope of education in order to improve the quality of learning that principals to teachers to achieve school goals effectively and efficiently. The success of academic supervision rests on the theory of academic supervision. Academic supervision management can be used as the principal way of managing and managing the established goals. Theory of academic supervision management includes the planning stage of the supervision program, the implementation stage of supervision, and the follow-up or evaluation of supervision implementation. The formulation of the problem in this research is What is the profile of the principal of junior high school Plus Al-Aqsha? How to plan academic supervision in junior high school Plus Al-Aqsha? How is the implementation of academic supervision in junior high school Al-Aqsha?How to evaluate the implementation of academic supervision in junior high school Plus Al-Aqsha? How academic supervision results in Junior high school Plus Al-Aqsa? The purpose of this research is to find out the profile of principal of junior high school Plus Al Aqsha, Academic supervision planning at junior high school Plus Al Aqsa, Academic supervision at junior high school Plus Al Aqsa, Evaluation of academic supervision at junior high school Plus Al Aqhsa, and result of academic supervision junior high school Plus Al-Aqsha. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative approach. Techniques used in data collection are observation, interview, and documentation study. Data analysis is done by data reduction and data presentation. The data validity test is done with extension of observation, persistence improvement, triangulation, negative case analysis, using reference material, member check. The results of this study indicate that the management of academic supervision has been applied in at junior high school Plus Al-Aqsha. The principal makes the planning of the academic supervision program composed by the principal and vice principal of the curriculum field. Implementation of academic supervision by using two techniques namely individual techniques and group techniques. Individual techniques are carried out by classroom observation or teacher assessment, and group supervision is held every two weeks on the LSBS program and workshop. However, the year 2016-2017 has not been done and for this year will be dilaksnakan in the second semester. Teachers who are still weak in teaching will be emphasized in their participation in group supervision programs such as LSBS, workshops and so on. While matters relating to reward for teachers who get value above setandar yet there is only teaching hours will be added.
Item Type: | Thesis (Diploma) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Supervisi |
Subjects: | General Management > Education, Research of Management |
Divisions: | Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam |
Depositing User: | Alfiyan Paramudita |
Date Deposited: | 05 Jun 2018 07:49 |
Last Modified: | 05 Jun 2018 07:49 |
URI: | |
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