Gaya kepemimpinan KH. Dede Saepudin dalam meningkatkan kinerja asatidz di Pondok Pesantren Al-Mu’awanah

Tazkiatul, Hida (2018) Gaya kepemimpinan KH. Dede Saepudin dalam meningkatkan kinerja asatidz di Pondok Pesantren Al-Mu’awanah. Diploma thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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Masalah kepemimpinan dari dulu hingga sekarang selalu menjadi perhatian yang menarik dan senantiasa memberikan daya pikat yang kuat bagi setiap orang. Mengingat kepemimpinan menduduki posisi sentral dalam suatu organisasi, pemimpinlah yang menentukan perubahan, pembaharuan, perbaikan, dan menjamin kemampuan organisasi untuk terus berprestasi di masa depan. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini Pertama, untuk mendekskripsikan gaya komunikasi K.H Dede Saepudin di Pondok Pesantren Al-Mu’awanah Ngamprah. Kedua, untuk mendekskripsikan pemberian motivasi K.H Dede Saepudin dalam peningkatan kinerja asatidz. Dan ketiga, untuk mendekskripsikan proses pengawasan K.H Dede Saepudin dalam meningkatkan kinerja asatidz di Pondok Pesantren Al-Mu’awanah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif, dengan jenis penelitian lapangan (field research). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Adapun subjek penelitian adalah KH. Dede Saepudin, ustadz, dan santri pondok pesantren. Setelah data diperoleh kemudian dianalisis kemudian dicek keabsahan data dengan cara reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti membatasi lingkup gaya kepemimpinan yang diteliti, yaitu diambil dari: (1) Gaya komunikasi, (2) Pengambilan Keputusan, (3) Memberikan motivasi, dan (4) Proses pengawasan. Adapun hasil yang ditemukan dari penelitian ini yaitu: (1) Gaya Komunikasi KH. Dede Saepudin menggunakan gaya komunikasi satu arah dan gaya komunikasi antarpribadi yang menghasilkan feedback (timbal balik), (2)Jenis pemberian motivasi yang digunakan oleh KH. Dede Saepudin kepada para asatidz adalah motivasi positifyang berupa non-materiil berupa dukungan sosial dan psikologis berupa pendekatan face to face dan musyawarah keluarga setiap bulannya, (3) Proses pengawasan KH. Dede Saepudin terhadap kinerja asatidz dilakukan dengan cara melihat dari segi kehadiran dan peningkatan belajar santri, (4) Gaya kepemimpinan KH. Dede Saepudin adalah partisipatif dan demokratis. Berdasarkan temuan dan pembahasan hasil penelitian, maka secara umum dapat disimpulkan bahwa gaya komunikasi KH. Dede Saepudin dalam meningkatkan kinerja asatidz di pondok pesantren Al-Mu’awanah adalah dengan menggunakan gaya komunikasi satu arah dan gaya komunikasi antarpribadi, proses pemberian motivasi dengan menggunakan motivasi positif, proses pengawasan asatidz dilihat dari segi kehadiran dan peningkatan prestasi belajar santri. Gaya kepemimpinan yang digunakan oleh KH. Dede Saepudin adalah gaya kepemimpinan partisipatif dan demokratis The problem of leadership from the past until now has always been an interesting concern and always provides a strong allure for everyone. Considering that leadership occupies a central position in an organization, it is the leader who determines change, renewal, improvement, and ensures the ability of the organization to continue to achieve in the future. The purpose of this research is First, to describe the communication style of K. Dede Saepudin at Al-Mu'awanah Ngamprah Islamic Boarding School. Secondly, to describe the motivation given by K. Dede Saepudin in improving the performance of Asatidz. And third, to describe the supervision process of K. Dede Saepudin in improving the performance of asatidz at Al-Mu'awanah Islamic Boarding School. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach, with the type of field research (field research). Data collection is done by interviews, observation and documentation. The research subject was KH. Dede Saepudin, religious teacher, and Islamic boarding school students. After the data is obtained, then analyzed and then validated the data by means of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. In this study researchers limited the scope of the leadership style studied, which was taken from: (1) communication style, (2) decision making, (3) providing motivation, and (4) supervision process. The results found in this study are: (1) Communication Style KH. Dede Saepudin uses one-way communication styles and interpersonal communication styles that produce feedback (reciprocity), (2) Types of motivation given by KH. Dede Saepudin to the asatidz is a positive non-material motivation in the form of social and psychological support in the form of a face to face approach and family deliberation every month, (3) the supervision process of KH. Dede Saepudin on the performance of asatidz is done by looking at the presence and improvement of students' learning, (4) leadership style KH. Dede Saepudin is participatory and democratic. Based on the findings and discussion of the results of the study, it can generally be concluded that the communication style of KH. Dede Saepudin in improving the performance of asatidz at Al-Mu'awanah Islamic boarding school is by using one-way communication style and interpersonal communication style, the process of giving motivation using positive motivation, asatidz supervision process seen in terms of attendance and improvement of students' learning achievement. The leadership style used by KH. Dede Saepudin is a participatory and democratic leadership styleThe problem of leadership from the past until now has always been an interesting concern and always provides a strong allure for everyone. Considering that leadership occupies a central position in an organization, it is the leader who determines change, renewal, improvement, and ensures the ability of the organization to continue to achieve in the future. The purpose of this research is First, to describe the communication style of K. Dede Saepudin at Al-Mu'awanah Ngamprah Islamic Boarding School. Secondly, to describe the motivation given by K. Dede Saepudin in improving the performance of Asatidz. And third, to describe the supervision process of K. Dede Saepudin in improving the performance of asatidz at Al-Mu'awanah Islamic Boarding School. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach, with the type of field research (field research). Data collection is done by interviews, observation and documentation. The research subject was KH. Dede Saepudin, religious teacher, and Islamic boarding school students. After the data is obtained, then analyzed and then validated the data by means of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. In this study researchers limited the scope of the leadership style studied, which was taken from: (1) communication style, (2) decision making, (3) providing motivation, and (4) supervision process. The results found in this study are: (1) Communication Style KH. Dede Saepudin uses one-way communication styles and interpersonal communication styles that produce feedback (reciprocity), (2) Types of motivation given by KH. Dede Saepudin to the asatidz is a positive non-material motivation in the form of social and psychological support in the form of a face to face approach and family deliberation every month, (3) the supervision process of KH. Dede Saepudin on the performance of asatidz is done by looking at the presence and improvement of students' learning, (4) leadership style KH. Dede Saepudin is participatory and democratic. Based on the findings and discussion of the results of the study, it can generally be concluded that the communication style of KH. Dede Saepudin in improving the performance of asatidz at Al-Mu'awanah Islamic boarding school is by using one-way communication style and interpersonal communication style, the process of giving motivation using positive motivation, asatidz supervision process seen in terms of attendance and improvement of students' learning achievement. The leadership style used by KH. Dede Saepudin is a participatory and democratic leadership style

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Gaya kepemimpinan; Pondok Pesantren;
Subjects: Islam
Islam > Islamic Leaders
Social Process > Leadership
Divisions: Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi > Program Studi Manajemen Dakwah
Depositing User: Hida Tazkiatul Muktafa
Date Deposited: 01 Nov 2018 07:43
Last Modified: 01 Nov 2018 07:43

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