Tanaman Papirus kerdil (Cyperus haspan) sebagai agen Fitoremediasi di perairan lentik dengan Floating Treatment Wetland

Cahyani, Alifah (2021) Tanaman Papirus kerdil (Cyperus haspan) sebagai agen Fitoremediasi di perairan lentik dengan Floating Treatment Wetland. Sarjana thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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INDONESIA : Embung Gedebage dibangun sebagai pengendali dan penyedia air di Kawasan Gedebage. Namun masukan limbah domestik dan pertanian dari Sungai Cinambo anak Sungai Citarum mengakibatkan menurunnya kualitas air. Floating Treatment Wetland (FTW) dapat mereduksi nutrien dengan menggunakan tanaman emergent. Papirus Kerdil (Cyperus haspan) termasuk tanaman emergent dapat mengakumulasi polutan, mudah dalam perawatan dan menambah estetika. Penambahan geotextile non-woven sebagai perpanjangan akar, filter dan substrat mikroba sehingga mampu meningkatkan kualitas air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh serapan hara terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman Papirus kerdil (Cyperus haspan) dan mengetahui efektifitas FTW. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan dua perlakuan yakni FTW tanpa penambahan geotextile / tanpa sumbu dan FTW penambahan geotextile / sumbu dengan pengulangan tiga kali selama enam minggu pengamatan. Setelah enam minggu didapatkan hasil bahwa Papirus kerdil (Cyperus haspan) adaptif dengan pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman 0,76 cm – 0,80 cm pada kedua perlakuan FTW dan penambahan jumlah tunas pada FTW tanpa sumbu sebanyak 3 batang tanaman dan FTW bersumbu sebanyak 4 batang tanaman. Penambahan geotextile pada FTW mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tunas sehingga berdampak pada perbaikan kualitas air. FTW cukup efektif memperbaiki kualitas air dengan suhu 27,7º – 29º C, pH 7,9 – 8,1, total fosfat menurun 45,6% - 52,6%, nitrat naik 8,2% - 26,8%, DO 11,1% - 20%, COD turun 25,9%, TDS turun16,4% - 19,5%, dan BOD naik 57,2% - 100% untuk suhu, pH, dan TDS telah memenuhi Baku mutu air kelas II sesuai PP No 22 tahun 2021. ENGLISH : Embung Gedebage was built as water controller and provider in the Gedebage area. However, the input of domestic and agricultural waste from the Cinambo River, tributary of the Citarum River, resulted in decline in water quality. Floating Treatment Wetland (FTW) can reduce nutrients by using emergent plants. Dwarf Papyrus (Cyperus haspan) is an emergent plant that can accumulate pollutants, is easy to care for, and adds aesthetics. Addition of non-woven geotextile as root extension, filter, and microbial substrate to improve water quality. This reseach purpose to determine the effect of nutrient uptake on the growth of Papyrus Dwarf (Cyperus haspan) and determine the effectiveness of FTW. The method used was a RAK with two treatments is FTW without the addition geotextile with the addition geotextile with repeated three times for 6 weeks observation. After six week, it was that Dwarf Papyrus(Cyperus haspan) was adaptive with plant height growth of 0.76 - 0.80 cm in both FTW treatment and the addition of the number of shoot in FTW without an axis of 3 plants and FTW with an axis of 4 plants. The addition of geotextile to the FTW affects shoot growth so that it has an impact on improving water quality. FTW is quite effective in improving water quality with temperature 27.7º – 29º C, pH 7.9 – 8.1, TP decreased 45.6% - 52.6%, nitrate increased 8.2% - 26.8 %, COD decreased 25.9%, and BOD increased 57.2% - 100%, DO increased 11,1% - 20% for temperature, pH, and TDS has met the class II water quality standard according to PP No 22 year 2021.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Additional Information: hanya upload halaman 1 saja sesuai izin dosen pembimbing
Uncontrolled Keywords: Cyperus haspan; Phytoremediation; FTW
Subjects: Ecology > Aquatic Ecology and Freshwater Ecology
Plants, Botany > Research of Plants
Environmental Protection Engineering > General Sanitary
Divisions: Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi > Program Studi Biologi
Depositing User: Alifah Cahyani
Date Deposited: 20 Aug 2021 03:14
Last Modified: 20 Aug 2021 03:14
URI: https://digilib.uinsgd.ac.id/id/eprint/41734

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