Karakteristik habitat macan tutul Jawa (Panthera pardus melas Curvier 1890) di kawasan Cagar Alam Gunung Tilu

Purnama, Rindiani Dwi (2021) Karakteristik habitat macan tutul Jawa (Panthera pardus melas Curvier 1890) di kawasan Cagar Alam Gunung Tilu. Sarjana thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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INDONESIA : Macan Tutul Jawa (Panthera pardus melas) merupakan satwa endemik yang dilindungi karena termasuk ke dalam golongan satwa kritis (Critically Endangered). Keberadaan satwa ini sangat penting bagi keseimbangan ekosistem alam dan disebut juga sebagai spesies kunci (keystone species). Cagar Alam Gunung Tilu merupakan salah satu habitat potensial bagi Macan Tutul Jawa. Banyaknya aktivitas manusia di kawasan hutan menyebabkan adanya ancaman terhadap eksistensinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik habitat, mangsa potensial, dan ancaman terhadap habitat dan keberadaan Macan Tutul Jawa di kawasan Cagar Alam Gunung Tilu. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pengambilan data menggunakan metode wawancara dan transek reconnaissace (recce walk) untuk mencari tanda keberadaan (jejak kaki, feses, cakaran, bekas pakan) Macan Tutul Jawa dan satwa mangsanya, metode diagram profil untuk penggambaran tutupan tajuk. Hasil penelitian menunjukan karakteristik habitat Macan Tutul Jawa di Kawasan CA Gunung Tilu memiliki struktur vegetasi yang didominasi oleh tegakan pohon dengan keadaan tutupan tajuk yang reletif rapat dan tidak tertutup oleh semak- semak, berada pada ketinggian diatas 1.500 mdpl, dan terdapat sumber air yang tersedia sepanjang tahun. Terdapat 10 jenis satwa mangsa potensial yaitu Surili (Presbytis comate), Lutung Jawa (Tracypithecus auratus), Owa Jawa (Hylobates moloch), Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca fascicularis), Kijang (Muntiacus muntjak), Babi Hutan (Sus scrofa), Musang Congkok (Prionodon lingsang), Burung Puyuh (Arbrophilla javanica), Bajing (Callosciurus notatus), dan Musang Luwak (Paradoxurus hermaphrodites). Terdapat beberapa ancaman bagi keberadaan dan habitat Macan Tutul di Cagar Alam Gunung Tilu yaitu perburuan liar, pembukaan kawasan untuk pertanian, dan aktivitas off-road di sekitar kawasan. ENGLISH : The Javan Leopard (Panthera pardus melas) is an endemic animal that is protected because it is classified as a critically endangered animal. The existence of these animals is very important for the balance of natural ecosystems and is also referred to as keystone species. The Gunung Tilu Nature Reserve is one of the potential habitats for the Javan leopard. The number of human activities in forest areas causes a threat to their existence. This study aims to determine the characteristics of the habitat, potential prey, and threats to the habitat, and the presence of the Javan leopard in the Gunung Tilu Nature Reserve. The method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection using interviews and reconnaissance transects (recce walk) to look for signs of the presence (footprints, feces, scratches, feed marks) of the Javan Leopard and its prey, profile diagram method for depicting canopy cover. The results showed that the habitat characteristics of the Javan leopard in the Gunung Tilu CA area had a vegetation structure that was dominated by the tree stands with a relatively dense canopy cover and not covered by bushes, located at an altitude above 1,500 mdpl, and there were available water sources throughout. year. There are 10 types of potential prey animals, namely Surili (Presbytis comate), Javan Lutung (Tracypithecus auratus), Javan Gibbon (Hylobates moloch), Long-tailed Monkey (Macaca fascicularis), Deer (Muntiacus muntjak), Wild Boar (Sus scrofa), Congkok Weasel (Prionodon lingsang), Quail (Arbrophilla javanica), Squirrel (Callosciurus notatus), and Civet Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphrodites). There are several threats to the existence and habitat of the leopard in the Gunung Tilu Nature Reserve, namely illegal hunting, clearing of the area for agriculture, and off-road activities around the area.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Uncontrolled Keywords: CA Gunung Tilu; Habitat; Konservasi; Macan Tutul Jawa; Spesies Kunci;
Subjects: Ecology
Ecology > Forest Ecology
Ecology > Population Biology
Specific Topics of Plants > Plant Ecology
Divisions: Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi > Program Studi Biologi
Depositing User: Rindiani Dwi Purnama
Date Deposited: 30 Dec 2021 05:01
Last Modified: 30 Dec 2021 05:01
URI: https://digilib.uinsgd.ac.id/id/eprint/47248

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