Women's language in Kim Kardashian's interview with Vogue

Widiastuti, Oktaviari (2022) Women's language in Kim Kardashian's interview with Vogue. Sarjana thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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Human beings, both men and women, use language to express ideas, opinions, and feelings. However, due to the patriarchal system that exists in society, the two speak a slightly different language. Women are constrained by social norms that require them to pay attention to the way they speak. Therefore, this study analyzed the women’s language in Kim Kardashian's speech in her interview with Vogue. This study focuses on two statements of problems, namely: (1) characteristics of women’s language in Kim Kardashian's speech in her interview with Vogue and (2) the function of women’s language in Kim Kardashian's speech in her interview with Vogue. This study employs Lakoff's (1975) theory, which proposes ten characteristics of women’s language, and Holmes' (1986) theory, which proposes five functions of women’s language. This study employed a qualitative method, with data drawn from the transcription of Kim Kardashian's interview with Vogue. The findings of this study show that all of the women’s language characteristics proposed by Lakoff are found in Kim Kardashian's speech in her interview with Vogue, with 360 appearances of women’s language characteristics. Intensifier is the most used by Kim Kardashian with 106 occurrences, followed by 84 occurrences of the hedge, 71 rising intonation, 34 emphatic stress, 31 hypercorrect grammar, 20 empty adjective, 5 tag questions, 4 super polite forms, 3 specific color, and 2 avoidances of swear words. The findings also show that four out of the five functions of women's language characteristics were discovered in this research. The most frequently discovered function is to emphasize with 102 occurrences consisting of 102 intensifiers, 44 rising intonations, 31 hypercorrect grammar, 18 emphatic stress, 17 hedges, 13 empty adjectives, dan 3 specific color; to express feeling with 80 occurrences consisting of 32 hedges, 21 rising intonations, 16 emphatic stress, 7 empty adjectives, 2 avoidance of swear words, and 2 super polite forms; to show uncertainty with 48 occurrences consist of 35 hedges, 6 rising intonations, 4 intensifiers, and 3 tag question; to soften certain expression with 2 occurrences consist of only super polite form. The function of getting a response was not found in this research. The findings of this research also show that there are many characteristics in Kim Kardashian's speech that serve to strengthen his statement.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Uncontrolled Keywords: gender; women’s language; Kim Kardashian
Subjects: Culture and Institutions > Sociolinguistics
Divisions: Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora > Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Oktaviari Widiastuti
Date Deposited: 19 Sep 2022 04:06
Last Modified: 19 Sep 2022 04:06
URI: https://digilib.uinsgd.ac.id/id/eprint/57100

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