Pengaruh Penggunaan Filter Keramik Termodifikasi Zeolit Mordenit Terhadap Hasil Penyaringan Air Hujan

Wowor, Gita Yunastrie (2017) Pengaruh Penggunaan Filter Keramik Termodifikasi Zeolit Mordenit Terhadap Hasil Penyaringan Air Hujan. Diploma thesis, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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Filter keramik merupakan media yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas air, begitupun dengan zeolit alam mordenit banyak digunakan dalam proses penjernihan air. Air hujan ada dalam keadaan bersih dan murni, namun dapat tercemar oleh pengaruh industri, partikulat (debu), dan material organik yang dapat menyebabkan beberapa nilai parameter fisika dan kimianya meningkat. Oleh karenanya, penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan filter keramik termodifikasi zeolit alam mordenit terhadap hasil penyaringan air hujan, laju rembesan air, dan mengidentifikasi mineral yang terbentuk. Filter keramik dibuat dari bahan tanah liat, pasir, sekam padi, kaolin dengan perbandingan 3 : 1 : 0,9 : 0,1 dan 3 : 1 : 0,5 : 0,5 serta dengan perkiraan ukuran butiran sebesar 1,0 mm atau 25,4 mesh. Filter keramik dikeringkan secara bertahap mulai suhu ruang hingga 120 °C dan dikalsinasi hingga 900 °C selama 28 jam. Berdasarkan hasil analisis fisika (kekeruhan, warna, bau, rasa, DHL, dan TDS) dan kimia (pH, kesadahan, kalsium, magnesium, ion logam berat (Besi, Mangan, Timbal, Tembaga, dan Seng), ion logam alkali (Natrium, Kalium, dan Litium), amonium, klorida, Bikarbonat, Sulfat, Nitrit, dan Nitrat), filter keramik memiliki potensi menurunkan nilai kesadahan, ion logam berat (Besi, Mangan, dan Seng), Amonium, Klorida, dan Bikarbonat. Namun, meningkatkan nilai kekeruhan, warna, DHL, TDS, logam alkali, Sulfat, dan Nitrat. Secara keseluruhan, hasil analisis fisika dan kimia tidak memenuhi syarat standar PERMENKES RI No. 492 tahun 2010. Berdasarkan uji laju rembesan, filter keramik dengan dan tanpa termodifikasi zeolit alam mordenit (0,9 : 0,1) memiliki laju rembesan yang optimum. Mineral yang terbentuk adalah haloisit, kristobalit, kuarsa, dan tridimit. Filter keramik termodifikasi zeolit alam mordenit efektif dalam menurunkan nilai kesadahan dan ion logam berat (Besi, Mangan, dan Seng). Ceramic filter is a medium used to improve water quality, as well as with natural mordenite zeolite which is widely used in water purification process. Rainwater is clean and pure, but is often polluted by industrial influences, particulates (dust), and organic materials which causes some of the values of physical and chemical parameters to increase. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of the use of ceramic filters modified by natural zeolite mordenite of rainwater filtering results, the rate of water seepage, and to identify the minerals formed. The ceramic filter made of clay, sand, rice husks, kaolin with a ratio of 3 : 1 : 0,9 : 0,1 and 3 : 1 : 0,5 : 0,5 with grain size estimated of 1,0 mm or 25,4 mesh. The ceramic filter was gradually dried from room temperature to 120 °C and calcined up to 900 °C for 28 hours. Based on the analysis of physics (turbidity, color, odor, taste, EC, and TDS) and chemical (pH, hardness, calsium, magnesium, heavy metals ion(iron, manganese, lead, copper, dan zinc), alkali metals ion (potassium, sodium, and lithium), ammonium, chloride, bicarbonate, sulphate, nitrate, and nitrite), the ceramic filter has its potential to decrease the value of hardness, heavy metals ion (iron, manganese and zinc), ammonium, chloride, and bicarbonate. However, it increases the value of turbidity, color, EC, TDS, alkali metals ion, sulphate, and nitrate. Overall, the results of physical and chemical analysis are not equalified standard of PERMENKES RI No. 492 in 2010. Based on the seepage rate test, ceramic filters with and without modification of natural zeolite mordenite (0,9 : 0,1) had an optimum seepage rate. The minerals formed are halloysite, cristobalite, quartz, and tridymite. The modified ceramic filter of natural zeolite mordenite is effective in decreasing hardness and heavy metals (iron, manganese, and zinc) value.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Filter keramik; zeolit alam mordenit; air hujan; laju rembesan; parameter fisika dan kimia
Subjects: Inorganic Chemistry
Building Material > Ceramic and Clay Material
Divisions: Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi > Program Studi Kimia
Depositing User: Gita Yunastrie Wowor
Date Deposited: 04 May 2018 08:10
Last Modified: 04 May 2018 08:10

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