Representasi elemen elemen jurnalisme dalam film Spotlight: Amalisis semiotika Charles Sander Pierce

Irawati, Irawati (2018) Representasi elemen elemen jurnalisme dalam film Spotlight: Amalisis semiotika Charles Sander Pierce. Diploma thesis, Uin Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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INDONESIA Kejurnalistikan bisasanya identik dengan media-media mainstream seperti halnya televisi, radio, koran atau majalah. Film merupakan salah satu media massa yang mampu memuat unsur- unsur jurnalisme, sama halnya seperti media mainstream lainnya. Salah satu film yang bertemakan jurnalisme adalah film Spotlight. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui apakah film Spotlight mampu merepresentasikan elemen-elemen jurnalisme. Seperti halnya merepresentasikan tentang kewajiban utama jurnalisme adalah kebenaran, loyalitas pertama jurnalisme kepada warga masyarakat dan lain sebagainya. Pemilihan analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis semiotika Charles Sanders Pierce. Analisis Pierce dikenal dengan Triangel meaning yang terdiri dari Sign, objek dan interpretant. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa film spotlight mampu merepresentasikan elemen-elemen jurnalisme, hampir setiap adegan mengandung elemen jurnalisme, seperti adegan dimana salah satu tokoh mengusulkan untuk menuliskan nomor telepon surat kabar mereka, agar warga dapat menelpon langsung ke kantor mereka. Selain itu dalam penelitian ini menenukan pengembangan baru berdasarkan pemikiran Pierce, teori Pierce itu untuk menganalisis suatu tanda menggunakan tiga unsur yaitu Sign objek dan interpretant sedang hasil yang dikembangkan dari teorinya pierce menjadi empat unsur yaitu sign, objek, konteks dan interpretant. ENGLISH The journalist is usually synonymous with mainstream media such as television, radio, newspapers or magazines. Film is one of the mass media that is able to contain elements of journalism, as well as other mainstream media. One of the films with the theme of journalism is the Spotlight film. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the Spotlight film is able to represent elements of journalism. Just as representing the main obligations of journalism is truth, journalism's first loyalty to citizens and so on.The choice of analysis in this study used Charles Sanders Pierce's semiotic analysis. Pierce's analysis is known as Triangel meaning which consists of Signs, objects and interpreters.The results showed that spotlight films were able to represent elements of journalism, almost every scene contained an element of journalism, such as a scene where one of the figures suggested writing their telephone number so that citizens could call directly to their office. In addition, in this study, a new development was based on Pierce's thinking, Pierce's theory to analyze a sign using three elements, namely the Sign object and interpretant while the results developed from Pierce's theory became four elements namely sign, object, context and interpretant.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Representasi; film; semiotika; elemen jurnalisme;
Subjects: Journalism and Newspapers in Indonesia
Communications Telemunications > Television Broadcasting
Divisions: Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi > Program Studi Jurnalistik
Depositing User: ira wati
Date Deposited: 17 Jan 2019 06:26
Last Modified: 17 Jan 2019 06:26

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