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Rahmamati, Diah and Malik, Adam (2024) Analisis pengaruh Massa Beban terhadap pertambahan Panjang dan Konstanta Pegas. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Sains (JPFS), 6 (2). ISSN 2622-822X
Jannah, Amila Ashabul and Malik, Adam (2024) Analisis nilai Konstanta Pegas berdasarkan nilai Gravitasi Bumi dan Bulan menggunakan VLab Amrita. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Sains (JPFS), 7 (1). ISSN 2622-822X
Fitria, Yanti and Malik, Adam and Mutiaramses, Mutiaramses and Hajar Halili, Siti and Amelia, Rizky (2023) Digital comic teaching materials: It’s role to enhance student’s literacy on organism characteristic topic. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 19 (10). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1305-8223 (online)
Malik, Adam and Prihatini,, Sri and Agustina, Rena Denya (2023) Study on collaborative creativity learning models and gender on students’ creative thinking skills. Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika, 9 (1). pp. 91-102. ISSN p-ISSN: 2461-0933 | e-ISSN: 2461-1433
Malik, Adam and Dirgantara, Yudi and Karmini, Sya'iidah (2023) The application of higher order thinking laboratory (HOT Lab) in momentum concept using PhET simulation. AIP Conference Proceedings. ISSN 978-0-7354-4317-4
Malik, Adam and Darajat, Siti Zakiah Annasir and Agustina, Rena Denya and Nugraha, Andi Rohendi (2023) Analysis of the effect of learning models and gender on students’ critical thinking skills. JIPF (JURNAL ILMU PENDIDIKAN FISIKA), 8 (1). pp. 118-129. ISSN p-ISSN: 2477-5959 | e-ISSN: 2477-8451
Malik, Adam and Virayani, Aulia and Asyari, Filsa A B and Sonia, Gina and Zafira, Kautsar and Agustina, Rena Denya and Setya, Winda (2022) Development of a practicum tool to analyze the angular speed and direction of the heel's movement. AIP Conference Proceedings. ISSN 978-0-7354-4288-7
Makiyah, Yanti Sofi and Malik, Adam and Sulistyaningsih, Dwi and Susanti, Ernita (2022) The effectiveness of kinematics worksheets based instructions virtual phenomenon to improve science process skills and conceptual understanding of pre-service physics teachers during The COVID-19 Pandemic. AIP Conference Proceedings. ISSN 978-0-7354-4288-7
Fitriyan, Dina and Malik, Adam and Chusni, Muhammad Minan (2022) Analysis of students' critical thinking ability in temperature and heat. JRFES (Jurnal Riset Fisika Edukasi dan Sains), 9 (2). pp. 48-52. ISSN E- ISSN : 2503-3425 P- ISSN : 2407-3563
Fitriyani, Dina and Malik, Adam and Chusni, Muhammad Minan (2022) Analysis of students' critical thinking ability in temperature and heat. JURNAL RISET FISIKA EDUKASI DAN SAINS, 9 (2). pp. 48-52. ISSN 2503-3425
Millah, Roprop Latiefatul and Malik, Adam and Kuntadi, Dedi (2022) Muslim & modern inventors of the camera in the history of physics. Khazanah: Jurnal Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Islam, 12 (2). pp. 89-97. ISSN ISSN: 2339-207x (print) - ISSN: 2614-3798 (online)
Malik, Adam and El Rachman, Rifelda Fanka and Kuntadi, Dedi (2022) Concrete representational abstract approach to improve students' problem solving skills on heat material. INSECTA: Integrative Science Education and Teaching Activity Journal, 3 (2). pp. 186-193. ISSN e-ISSN 2722-8495 | p-ISSN 2722-8509
Millah, Roprop Latiefatul and Malik, Adam and Chusni, Muhammad Minan (2022) Profile analysis of students' problem-solving abilities on impulse momentum physics material. IJIS Edu: Indonesian Journal of Integrated Science Education, 4 (2). pp. 83-89. ISSN E ISSN : 2655 2450, P ISSN : 2655 2388
Millah, Roprop Latiefatul and Malik, Adam and Chusni, Muhammad Minan (2022) Profile analysis of students' problem-solving abilities on impulse momentum physics material. IJIS Edu: Indonesian Journal of Integrated Science Education, 4 (2). pp. 83-89. ISSN 2655-2450
Malik, Adam and Wandira, Ayu and Kuntadi, Dedi and Nugraha, Andi Rohendi (2022) How can interactive multimedia direct instruction model improve student cognitive learning outcomes? Momentum: Physics Education Journal, 6 (2). pp. 104-118. ISSN 2548-9135
Malik, Adam and Ubaidillah, Mujib (2022) Development of multiple skill laboratory activity model (mslam): An instrument to improve 21st century skills of student. JIPF (Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Fisika), 7 (2). pp. 123-133. ISSN p-ISSN 2477-5959 / e-ISSN 2477-8451
Fitria, Yanti and Malik, Adam (2022) The analysis of difficulties in logical thinking ability in learning natural science faced by students of elementary education. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 8 (2). pp. 515-520. ISSN p-ISSN 2460-2582 / e-ISSN 2407-795X
Malik, Adam and Asyidik, Muhamad Dudi and Nursamsika, Kusmi Heni and Khotimah, Rifadiyah Nurul and Fitriyani, Rismaya (2021) Learning Ohm’s law through electric puzzle media. Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika, 6 (2). pp. 217-226. ISSN p-ISSN 2461-0933 / e-ISSN 2461-1433
Malik, Adam and Ubaidillah, Mujib (2021) Multiple skill laboratory activities : How to improve students’ Scientific communication and collaboration skills. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 10 (4). pp. 585-595. ISSN p-ISSN 2339-1286 | e-ISSN 2089-4392
Malik, Adam and Ubaidillah, Mujib (2021) Multiple skill laboratory activities: How to improve students’ scientific communication and collaboration skills. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 10 (4). pp. 585-595. ISSN p-ISSN 2339-1286 / e-ISSN 2089-4392
Malik, Adam and Susanti, Seni (2021) Learning designing for establishment physics content and teacher pedagogic aspects through lesson study-based in-house training. Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika, 7 (2). pp. 145-152. ISSN p-ISSN 2461-0933 / e-ISSN 2461-1433
Malik, Adam and Setiawan, Yusup and Setya, Winda (2021) Development of Quizizz-based interactive questions to measure scientific reasoning skills. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Keilmuan (JPFK), 7 (1). pp. 39-52. ISSN p-ISSN 2549-4996 / e-ISSN 2548-5806
Malik, Adam and Ubaidillah, Mujib (2021) The use of smartphone applications in laboratory activities in developing scientific communication skills of students. Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia, 9 (1). pp. 76-84. ISSN p-ISSN 2338-4379 / e-ISSN 2615-840X
Malik, Adam and Ubaidillah, Mujib (2020) Students critical-creative thinking skill: A multivariate analysis of experiments and gender. nternational Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), 8. pp. 49-58.
Malik, Adam and Ubaidillah, Mujib (2020) Students critical-creative thinking skill: A multivariate analysis of experiments and gender. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), 8 (s). pp. 49-58. ISSN 2334847X, 23348496
Setiawan, Yusuf and Malik, Adam and Agustina, Rena Denya (2020) Review of the effect of gamification technology on student psychology. JICTE (Journal of Information and Computer Technology Education), 4 (1). pp. 20-23. ISSN E-ISSN 2541-5107
Malik, Adam and Aliah, Hasniah and Susanti, Seni and Ubaidillah, Mujib and Sururie, Ramdani Wahyu (2020) Science laboratory activities: A profile of the implementation and constraints of junior high school natural science teachers. Scientiae Educatia: Jurnal Pendidikan Sains, 9 (1). pp. 96-108. ISSN p-ISSN: 2303-1530, e-ISSN: 2527-7596
Malik, Adam and Mugiri, Widiastuti Ledgeriana and Zakwandi, Rizki and Safitri, Sani and Juliani, Tia (2020) Simple experiment of doppler effect using smartphone microfon sensor. Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA), 10 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN p-ISSN: 2087-9946, e-ISSN: 2477-1775
Malik, Adam and Hasanah, Uswatun and Agustina, Rena Denya and Zakwandi, Rizki (2019) Which one is better hands on or phet simulation on harmonic oscillation. Edusains, 11 (2). pp. 264-278. ISSN p-ISSN 1979-7281 e-ISSN 2443-1281
Malik, Adam and Novita, Yeni and Nuryantini, Ade Yeti (2019) Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills of Students Related to Temperature and Heat Topics Through Problem Solving- Laboratory Model. JPPPF (Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika), 5 (1). pp. 9-20. ISSN 2461-1433
Malik, Adam and Setiawan, Agus and Suhandi, Andi and Permanasari, Anna (2018) The Effect of HOT-Lab to Improve Critical Thinking Skills of Prospective Physics Teachers. Advanced Science Letters, 24 (11). pp. 8059-8062. ISSN 1936-7317
Suhendi, Herni Yuniarti and Mulhayatiah, Diah and Yuningsih, Endah Kurnia and Malik, Adam and Fauziah, Resy and Ardiansyah, Ryan (2018) Development of Student Worksheet Based on a Scientific Approach for Rotational Dynamics Concept. Proceedings of the International Conference on Islamic Education (ICIE 2018), 261 (1). pp. 102-106. ISSN Part of series: ASSEHR, ISSN: 2352-5398
Suhendi, Herni Yuniarti and Mulhayatiah, Diah and Yuningsih, Endah Kurnia and Malik, Adam and Fauziah, Resy and Ardiansyah, Ryan (2018) Development of student worksheet based on a scientific approach for rotational dynamics concept. Proceedings of the International Conference on Islamic Education (ICIE 2018), 261 (ASSEHR). pp. 102-106. ISSN 2352-5398
Malik, Adam and Ruswandi, Uus and Setiawan, Agus and Suhandi, Andi and Permanasari, Anna (2017) How to Improve Creative Thinking Skills of Pre-Service Physics Teachers? Proceedings in 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017), 1 (1). pp. 1063-1067. ISSN 978-989-758-316-2
Malik, Adam (2015) Model Problem Solving Laboratory To Improve Comprehension The Concept Of Students. Proceeding International Seminar on Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education (MSCEIS) 2015. pp. 43-48. ISSN 987-602-95549-2-2
Malik, Adam and Karmini, Sya’iidah Muntahaa and Agustina, Rena Denya and Nugraha, Andi Rohendi Comparison of the POE2WE model's effectiveness with the 5M scientific approach to problem-solving ability in simple harmonic motion. Edusains, 14 (2). pp. 126-136. ISSN p-ISSN 1979-7281 e-ISSN 2443-1281
Malik, Adam and al-hanafi, Muhammad Algi and Chusni, Muhammad Minan and Nugraha, Andi Rohendi Development of CORE-based electronic-modules to improve students' Problem-Solving skills. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9 (8). pp. 6415-6424. ISSN 2407-795X
Malik, Adam and Handayani, Wahyuni and Tahyah, Nur (2017) Penerapan Model Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) untuk meningkatkan Keterampilan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa. In: BUNGA RAMPAI II. Cetakan II, I (II). Sekolah Pascasarjana UPI, Bandung, pp. 1-10. ISBN 978-602-73-597-96
Farhan, Muhammad and Malik, Adam and Chusni, Muhammad Minan (2023) Model flipped classroom dalam pembelajaran fisika [sumber elektronis]. Project Report. Tahta Media Group, Klaten.
Farhan, Muhammad and Malik, Adam and Chusni, Muhammad Minan (2023) Model Flipped Classroom dalam pembelajaran fisika. Technical Report. Tahta Media Group.
Malik, Adam and Susanti, Seni (2021) Penguatan konten dan pedagogik konten melalui Lesson Study. Project Report. ARABASTA MEDIA, Bandung.
Malik, Adam and Ubaidillah, Mujib (2019) Pengembangan model praktikum fisika berbasis multiple skills untuk meningkatkan keterampilan 4C: Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, dan Creativity and Innovation. Project Report. Pusat Penelitian dan Penerbitan UIN SGD Bandung, Bandung.
Malik, Adam and Ubaidillah, Mujib (2019) Pengembangan model praktikum fisika berbasis multiple skills untuk meningkatkan keterampilan 4c : communication, collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving, dan creativity and innovation. Project Report. Pusat Penelitian dan Penerbitan UIN SGD Bandung, Bandung.
Malik, Adam (2016) Evaluasi implementasi kurikulum 2013 Pada mata pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan alam (IPA) Di sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) : Studi Kasus di SMPN 2 Cileunyi - Bandung. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED, Bandung. (Unpublished)
Malik, Adam and Susanti, Seni Penguatan konten dan pedagogik konten melalui lesson study. Project Report. CV. Arabasta Media, Bogor.
Malik, Adam and Susanti, Seni and Al-Hanafi, Muhammad Algi and Fadilah, Syifa and Putra, Purnama Putra and Wati, Risma (2023) Provision of TPACK Ability for Junior High School Teachers in Designing Practicum Module. In: International Seminar on Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education (MSCEIS) 2021, Bandung.
Malik, Adam and Dirgantara, Yudi and Karmini, Sya’iidah Muntahaa (2023) The application of higher order thinking laboratory (HOT Lab) in momentum concept using PhET simulation. In: Education of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics International Conference (ESTEMIC 2021), 29-30 September 2021, Bandung.
Malik, Adam and Virayani, Aulia and Asyari, Filsa Abu Bakar and Sonia, Gina and Zafira, Kautsar Falah and Agustina, Rena Denya and Setya, Winda (2022) Development of a practicum tool to analyze the angular speed and direction of the wheel's movement. In: International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2021), 12 Juni 2021, Bandung.
Makiyah, Yanti Sofi and Malik, Adam and Sulistyaningsih, Dwi and Susanti, Ernita (2022) The effectiveness of kinematics worksheets based instructions virtual phenomenon to improve science process skills and conceptual understanding of pre-service physics teachers during the covid-19 pandemic. In: International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2021), 12 Juni 2021, Bandung.
Setya, Winda and Agustina, Rena Denya and Putra, Riki Purnama and Prihatini, Sri and Hidayatulloh, Rizki and Isnaeni, PS and Malik, Adam (2021) Implementation of higher order thinking laboratory (HOTLAB) on magnetic field with real blended virtual laboratory to improve students critical thinking skills. In: International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2021), 12 Juni 2021, Bandung.
Malik, Adam and Utami, NF and Rizaldi, MF and Sarah, Siti and Nursetia, Siti and Mauli, Tri and Rochman, Chaerul and Mulhayatiah, Diah (2021) Development of an Atwood aircraft practicum tool based on automatic timers to explain Newton’s second law. In: 2nd Annual Conference of Science and Technology (ANCOSET 2020), 28 November 2020, Malang.
Malik, Adam and Mardianti, Danti and Nurlutfiah, D and Izzah, Dhiya Wirdatul and Mulhayatiah, Diah and Nasrudin, Dindin and Suhendi, Herni Yuniarti (2021) Determination of refractive index on three mediums based on the principle of refraction of light. In: International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2020), 14-15 Juli 2020, Bandung.
Suhendi, Herni Yuniarti and Aulia, MR and Kuntadi, Dedi and Mulhayatiah, Diah and Nasrudin, Dindin and Malik, Adam and Ardiansyah, R (2021) Formative assessment of fruitful criteria in physics learning based on pedagogy subject matter approach. In: International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2020), 14-15 Juli 2020, Bandung.
Malik, Adam and Ubaidillah, Mujib and Fatmawati, Sri and Aswirna, Prima and Qaddafi, Muhammad and Sutarno, S (2021) Collaborative skills of prospective teachers in laboratory activities related to the concept of elasticity. In: Mathematics and Science Education International Seminar (MASEIS) 2019, 5 Oktober 2019, Bengkulu.
Sutarno, S and Putri, DH and Risdianto, E and Satriawan, M and Malik, Adam (2021) The students’ physics problem solving skills in basic physics course. In: Mathematics and Science Education International Seminar (MASEIS) 2019, 5 Oktober 2019, Bengkulu.
Subarkah, Cucu Zenab and Trisnawati, Aat and Sundari, Citra Deliana Dewi and Malik, Adam (2020) Implementation of green chemistry-based electrolysis learning media to develop higher order thinking ability. In: International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences 2019 (IConMNS 2019), 30-31 Agustus 2019, Denpasar.
Malik, Adam and Yuliani, Y and Rochman, Chaerul and Zakwandi, Rizki and Ismail, Ali and Ubaidillah, Mujib (2020) Optimizing students critical thinking skills related to heat topics through the model of content, context, connection, researching, reasoning, reflecting (3C3R). In: International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education 2019 (ICMScE 2019), 29 Juni 2019, Bandung.
Malik, Adam and Dirgantara, Yudi and Mulhayatiah, Diah and Agustina, Rena Denya (2020) Analisis hakikat, peran, dan implikasi kegiatan laboratorium terhadap keterampilan abad 21. In: KTI masa WFH LP2M, Bandung. (Submitted)
Malik, Adam and Hakiki, Muhamad Arfan and Imiyati, M and Kurnia, Puji and Zakwandi, Rizki and Setya, Winda and Chusni, Muhammad Minan (2019) Analysis characteristics of viscosity coefficient using viscometer stromer. In: The 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC) 2019, 24 April 2019, Denpasar.
Malik, Adam and Zakwandi, Rizki and Agustina, Rena Denya and Anjani, R and Syamsudin, NR and Rochman, Chaerul and Nasrudin, Dindin (2019) [RAV] current meter: Manufacture a measuring instrument of water current using a spring balance. In: The 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2019), 24 April 2019, Denpasar.
Malik, Adam and Kumala, Wina and Mulhayatiah, Diah and Aliah, Hasniah and Darmalaksana, Wahyudin and Setiawan, Agus and Chusni, Muhammad Minan and Dirgantara, Yudi and Agustina, Rena Denya and Rochman, Chaerul and Hermita, Neni and Samsudin, Achmad (2019) Improved problem-solving skills of the student through cooperative problem-solving models related to fluid dynamic topic. In: 5th International Seminar on Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education (MSCEIS 2018), 27 Oktober 2018, Bandung.
Agustina, Rena Denya and Chusni, Muhammad Minan and Malik, Adam and Dirgantara, Yudi and Samsudin, Achmad (2019) Use of geoel ectric practicum module for physics education students. In: 5th International Seminar on Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education (MSCEIS 2018), 27 Oktober 2018, Bandung.
Malik, Adam and Nur Utami, Syifa and Mulhayatiah, Diah (2015) Model praktikum Concrete-Representational-Abstract (CRA) untuk meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains siswa. In: Seminar Nasional Fisika (SiNaFi) 2015, 21 November 2015, Bandung.
Malik, Adam and Handayani, Wahyuni and Nuraini, Rany (2015) Model praktikum problem Solving Laboratory untuk meningkatkan keterampilan proses Sains Mahasiswa. In: Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains 2015, 8-9 Juni 2015, Bandung.
Malik, Adam and Aliah, Hasniah and Susanti, Seni (2019) Peran praktikum dalam pembelajaran IPA. Pusat Penelitian dan Penerbitan UIN SGD Bandung, Bandung. ISBN 978-623-7633-41-9
Malik, Adam and Aliah, Hasniah and Susanti, Seni (2019) Peran praktikum dalam pembelajaran IPA. Pusat Penelitian dan Penerbitan UIN SGD Bandung, Bandung. ISBN 978-623-7633-41-9
Malik, Adam and Ubaidillah, Mujib (2019) Berbagai model petunjuk praktikum fisika. Pusat Penelitian dan Penerbitan UIN SGD Bandung, Bandung. ISBN 978-623-7036-96-8
Malik, Adam and Ubaidillah, Mujib (2019) Berbagai model petunjuk praktikum fisika. Pusat Penelitian dan Penerbitan UIN SGD Bandung, Bandung. ISBN 978-623-7036-96-8
Malik, Adam and Chusni, Muhammad Minan (2018) Pengantar Statistika Pendidikan: Teori dan Aplikasi. cet.I-Vi, 1 (I). Deepubish, Sleman Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-602-475-656-7
Aliah, Hasniah and Darmalaksana, Wahyudin and Setiawan, Andhy and Sawitri, Asti and Malik, Adam (2018) Teknologi film tebal sebagai detektor formalin dan etanol. Pusat Penelitian dan Penerbitan LP2M UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Bandung. ISBN 978-602-582-326-8
Malik, Adam (2017) The implementation of 5E learning cycle model-based inquiry to improve students’ learning achievements. Cetakan I, I (I). CRC Press/Balkema, Leiden, The Netherlands. ISBN 978-1-315-16657-5
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Karya Tulis (2016) Penciptaan Alam Semesta Menurut Alquran dan Teori Big Bang. 01229.
Malik, Adam and Susanti, Seni and Al-Hanafi, Muhammad Algi and Fadilah, Syifa and Putra, Riki Purnama and Wati, Risma (2023) Provision of TPACK Ability for Junior High School Teachers in Designing Practicum Module. AIP Conference Proceeding.
Malik, Adam and Ubaidillah, Mujib (2022) Korespondensi Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia. Science Education Study Program FMIPA UNNES Semarang.